The link forward service used by https://go.edi.wang.
Generate static URLs for redirecting third party URLs. It's similar to, but NOT a URL shorter.
E.g.: Make "https://www.somewebsite.com/a-very-long-and-complicated-link-that-can-also-change?with=parameters" into "https://yourdomain/fw/token".
Main purposes:
This has been tested on Azure App Service with Linux Docker container
Key | Value |
ConnectionStrings__ElfDatabase | Your SQL Server Database connection string |
AppSettings__DefaultRedirectionUrl | Default URL redirection address, default: https://edi.wang |
Authentication__AzureAd__Instance | AAD Instance when using AAD authentication, default: https://login.microsoftonline.com/ |
Authentication__AzureAd__Domain | AAD Domain when using AAD authentication |
Authentication__AzureAd__TenantId | AAD TenantId when using AAD authentication |
Authentication__AzureAd__ClientId | AAD ClientId when using AAD authentication |
docker pull ediwang/elf