Fast websocket + rest api screenshot server
DEMO: http://backup15.terasp.net/
docker pull elestio/ws-screenshot.slim
docker run -p 3000:3000 -it elestio/ws-screenshot.slim
Run as a docker service
docker run -d --restart always -p 3000:3000 -it elestio/ws-screenshot.slim
Open in your browser:
Make a GET request (or open the url in your browser):
var event = { cmd: "screenshot", url: url, originalTS: (+new Date()), resX: resX, resY: resY, outFormat: outFormat, isFullPage: isFullPage };
You can check /public/js/client.js and /public/index.html for a sample on how to call the Websocket API
More details on the Github repo here: https://github.com/elestio/ws-screenshot/
docker pull elestio/ws-screenshot.slim