A complete moodle installation with preinstalled admin user and automatic database setup.
A Docker image that installs and runs the latest Moodle stable, with external MySQL, Mariadb or Postgresql Database and automated installation with a default predefined administrator user. Also all the images are availalbe via docker hub.
Buidling the required images using this repo is a liitle laborious and the whole process is described in the CONTRIBUTING.md
All available images are listed in: https://hub.docker.com/r/ellakcy/moodle/tags?page=1&ordering=-name
Each flavor is seperates by database support, version and either if is it based on apache, or alpine via fpm. To be more specific:
Image naming Pattern | PHP execution type | Mysql Support | Mariadb Support | Postgresql Support |
mulitbase_apache_^VERSION^ | apache | YES | YES | YES |
mysql_maria_apache_^VERSION^ | apache | YES | YES | NO |
postgresql_apache_^VERSION^ | apache | NO | NO | YES |
mulitbase_alpine_fpm_^VERSION^ | fpm (running on alpine linux) | YES | YES | YES |
mysql_maria_alpine_fpm_^VERSION^ | fpm (running on alpine linux) | YES | YES | NO |
postgresql_alpine_fpm_^VERSION^ | fpm (running on alpine linux) | NO | NO | YES |
mulitbase_fpm_^VERSION^ | fpm | YES | YES | YES |
mysql_maria_fpm_^VERSION^ | fpm | YES | YES | NO |
postgresql_fpm_^VERSION^ | fpm | NO | NO | YES |
is a 2-3 digit number the first digit follows the major version and the rest of them follow the minor version for example the mulitbase_apache_39
runs the moodle 3.9 whilst mulitbase_apache_310
runs the moodle 3.10 .
Also for the latest moodle version we also ship the following images:
Image | PHP execution type | Mysql Support | Mariadb Support | Postgresql Support |
latest | apache | YES | YES | YES |
mulitbase_apache_latest | apache | YES | YES | YES |
mysql_maria_apache_latest | apache | YES | YES | NO |
postgresql_apache_latest | apache | NO | NO | YES |
mulitbase_alpine_fpm_latest | fpm (running on alpine linux) | YES | YES | YES |
mysql_maria_alpine_fpm_latest | fpm (running on alpine linux) | YES | YES | NO |
postgresql_alpine_fpm_latest | fpm (running on alpine linux) | NO | NO | YES |
mulitbase_fpm_latest | fpm | YES | YES | YES |
mysql_maria_fpm_latest | fpm | YES | YES | NO |
postgresql_fpm_latest | fpm | NO | NO | YES |
Whilst for the most recent moodle lts we ship:
Image | PHP execution type | Mysql Support | Mariadb Support | Postgresql Support |
mulitbase_apache_lts | apache | YES | YES | YES |
mysql_maria_apache_lts | apache | YES | YES | NO |
postgresql_apache_lts | apache | NO | NO | YES |
mulitbase_alpine_fpm_lts | fpm (running on alpine linux) | YES | YES | YES |
mysql_maria_alpine_fpm_lts | fpm (running on alpine linux) | YES | YES | NO |
postgresql_alpine_fpm_lts | fpm (running on alpine linux) | NO | NO | YES |
mulitbase_fpm_lts | fpm | YES | YES | YES |
mysql_maria_fpm_lts | fpm | YES | YES | NO |
postgresql_fpm_lts | fpm | NO | NO | YES |
All images are shipped with php 7.4 .
Default php is 7.4 whereas images with php 8.0 are shipped as well for moodle versions 3.11, 4.0 and 4.11 php is shipped as well:
Image naming Pattern | PHP execution type | Mysql Support | Mariadb Support | Postgresql Support |
mulitbase_apache_php8.0_^VERSION^ | apache | YES | YES | YES |
mysql_maria_apache_php8.0_^VERSION^ | apache | YES | YES | NO |
postgresql_apache_php8.0_^VERSION^ | apache | NO | NO | YES |
mulitbase_alpine_fpm_php8.0_^VERSION^ | fpm (running on alpine linux) | YES | YES | YES |
mysql_maria_alpine_fpm_php8.0_^VERSION^ | fpm (running on alpine linux) | YES | YES | NO |
postgresql_alpine_fpm_php8.0_^VERSION^ | fpm (running on alpine linux) | NO | NO | YES |
mulitbase_fpm_php8.0_^VERSION^ | fpm | YES | YES | YES |
mysql_maria_fpm_php8.0_^VERSION^ | fpm | YES | YES | NO |
postgresql_fpm_php8.0_^VERSION^ | fpm | NO | NO | YES |
For php 7.4 images use the following
Image naming Pattern | PHP execution type | Mysql Support | Mariadb Support | Postgresql Support |
mulitbase_apache_php7.4_^VERSION^ | apache | YES | YES | YES |
mysql_maria_apache_php7.4_^VERSION^ | apache | YES | YES | NO |
postgresql_apache_php7.4_^VERSION^ | apache | NO | NO | YES |
mulitbase_alpine_fpm_php7.4_^VERSION^ | fpm (running on alpine linux) | YES | YES | YES |
mysql_maria_alpine_fpm_php7.4_^VERSION^ | fpm (running on alpine linux) | YES | YES | NO |
postgresql_alpine_fpm_php7.4_^VERSION^ | fpm (running on alpine linux) | NO | NO | YES |
mulitbase_fpm_php7.4_^VERSION^ | fpm | YES | YES | YES |
mysql_maria_fpm_php7.4_^VERSION^ | fpm | YES | YES | NO |
postgresql_fpm_php7.4_^VERSION^ | fpm | NO | NO | YES |
The images support the following version for each database:
: 11 or earlierMysql
: 5.7Mariadb
: 10.2We aim to deliver freshly images on weekly basis. Each build image is tagged with the build date in a format _YmdHi
, without build date is the latest build, for example the image mysql_maria_apache_latest
is the latest built image whilst mysql_maria_apache_latest_202108112012
is the image built at 2021-08-11 20:12
. At docker hub you can look at tags section for the latest or older builds.
We also developed a docker-compose solution. We strongly reccomend using this one.
Furthermore we also strongly recomend to create a docker-compose.yml and run using docker-compose in case that our solution mentioned above, does not fit your needs.
Apache based solutions
To spawn a new instance of Moodle:
... using MySQL:
docker run -d --name DB -e MYSQL_DATABASE=moodle -e MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD=yes -e MYSQL_ONETIME_PASSWORD=yes -e MYSQL_USER=^a database user^ -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=^a database password^ mysql:5.7
docker run -d -P --name moodle --link DB:DB -e MOODLE_DB_HOST=DB -e MOODLE_URL= -p 8080:80 ellakcy/moodle:mysql_maria_apache_^VERSION^
** NOTICE ** For now due to the way that mysql authenticates its users, is working with vesrsion 5.7 version of mysql and earlier
... using MariaDB:
docker run -d --name DB -e MYSQL_DATABASE=^a database name^ -e MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD=yes -e MYSQL_ONETIME_PASSWORD=yes -e MYSQL_USER=^a database user^ -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=^a database password^ mariadb:10.2
docker run -d -P --name moodle --link DB:DB -e MOODLE_DB_HOST=DB -e MOODLE_URL= -e MOODLE_DB_TYPE="mariadb" -p 8080:80 ellakcy/moodle:mysql_maria_apache_^VERSION^
** NOTICE ** Please use Mariadb 10.2 and earlier for the same reasons as mysql one.
... using PostgreSQL:
docker run --name=DB -e POSTGRES_USER=^a database user^ -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=^a database password^ -e POSTGRES_DB=^a database name^ -d postgres
docker run -d -P --name moodle --link DB:DB -e MOODLE_DB_HOST=DB -e MOODLE_URL= -e MOODLE_DB_TYPE="pgsql" -p 8080:80 ellakcy/moodle:postgresql_apache_^VERSION^
Then you can visit the following URL in a browser to get started:
NOTICE: In case you need to keep the data persisted use volumes both in database and moodle containers. NOTICE 2:
indicates the moodle version. For the latest lts just uselts
or for the latest non lts uselatest
Notice 3: In case your moodle installation is shipped via
Alpine with Fpm based solutions
For fpm solutions is recomended to use docker-compose. For production use is reccomended the to use the repo https://github.com/ellakcy/moodle-compose .
Also you can use the following extra enviromental variables (using -e
option on docker run
A default user is generated during installation. Please provide different credentials during installation.
Variable Name | Default value | Description |
MOODLE_URL | | The URL the site will be served from |
MOODLE_ADMIN | admin | The default administrator's username |
MOODLE_ADMIN_PASSWORD | Admin~1234 | The default administrator's password - *CHANGE IN PRODUCTION |
MOODLE_ADMIN_EMAIL | admin@example.com | The default dministrator's email |
Variable Name | Default value | Description |
MOODLE_DB_HOST | The url that the database is accessible | |
MOODLE_DB_PASSWORD | The password for the database | |
MOODLE_DB_USER | The username of the database | |
MOODLE_DB_NAME | The database name | |
MOODLE_DB_PORT | The port that the database is accessible |
Variable Name | Default value | Description |
MOODLE_EMAIL_TYPE_QMAIL | false | Whether will use qmail as email (MTA)[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Message_transfer_agent]. |
MOODLE_EMAIL_HOST | The host of the smtp server. If not provided then it won't send emails. |
Variable Name | Default value | Description |
MOODLE_REVERSE_LB | false | Whether the moodle rins behind a load balancer or not. |
MOODLE_SSL | false | Whether the moodle runs behind an ssl-enabled load balancer. |
For now you can use the following volumes:
In case you want to use the nginx as reverse http proxy is recommended to provide the following settings:
server {
listen 449 ssl;
server_name ^your_domain^;
ssl_certificate ^path_to_cert^;
ssl_certificate_key ^path_to_key^;
ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5;
location / {
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
# In case or running another port please replace the value bellow.
proxy_pass http://^local_url_and_port^;
: The domain that the moodle is available. Keep in mind that this value is the same in the MOODLE_URL
enviromental variable.^local_url_and_port^
: Url that the reverse proxy will forward the requests.^path_to_cert^
: The certificate and its key.As you can see the reverse proxy DOES NOT provide the http Host header according to this issue.
Also keep in mind to set the following docker enviromental variables MOODLE_REVERSE_LB
into true as well.
The following aren't handled, considered, or need work:
Also in case of an error that mentions:
UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out. (read timeout=60)
Export the following enviromental variables:
This is a fork of jmhardison/docker-moodle.
docker pull ellakcy/moodle