About A Dockerfile to build multi-architecture images of Samba, this is my personal docker recipe.
A Docker file to build images for many platforms (linux/amd64, linux/arm64, linux/ppc64le, linux/s390x, linux/386, linux/arm/v7, linux/arm/v6) with a installation of Samba that is the standard Windows interoperability suite of programs for Linux and Unix. This is my own Multi-architecture docker recipe.
Be aware! You should read carefully the usage documentation of every tool!
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Deft.Work my personal blog | Samba | Samba |
This image has been builded using buildx for this architectures:
I use it to share files between Linux and Windows, but Samba has many other capabilities.
ATTENTION: This is a recipe highly adapted to my needs, it might not fit yours. Deal with local filesystem permissions, container permissions and Samba permissions is a Hell, so I've made a workarround to keep things as simple as possible. I want avoid that the usage of this conainer would affect current file permisions of my local system, so, I've "synchronized" the owner of the path to be shared with Samba user. This mean that some commitments and limitations must be assumed.
Container will be configured as samba sharing server and it just needs:
-u uid:gid:username:usergroup:password
-s name:path:rw:user1[,user2[,userN]]
Start a samba fileshare.
docker run -d -p 139:139 -p 445:445 \
-- hostname any-host-name \ # Optional
-e TZ=Europe/Madrid \ # Optional
-v /any/path:/share/data \ # Replace /any/path with some path in your system owned by a real user from your host filesystem
elswork/samba \
-u "1000:1000:alice:alice:put-any-password-here" \ # At least the first user must match (password can be different) with a real user from your host filesystem
-u "1001:1001:bob:bob:secret" \
-u "1002:1002:guest:guest:guest" \
-s "Backup directory:/share/backups:rw:alice,bob" \
-s "Alice (private):/share/data/alice:rw:alice" \
-s "Bob (private):/share/data/bob:rw:bob" \
-s "Documents (readonly):/share/data/documents:ro:guest,alice,bob"
This is my real usage command:
docker run -d -p 139:139 -p 445:445 -e TZ=Europe/Madrid \
-v /home/pirate/docker/makefile:/share/folder elswork/samba \
-u "1000:1000:pirate:pirate:put-any-password-here" \
-s "SmbShare:/share/folder:rw:pirate"
or this if the user that owns the path to be shared match with the user that raise up the container:
docker run -d -p 139:139 -p 445:445 --hostname $HOSTNAME -e TZ=Europe/Madrid \
-v /home/pirate/docker/makefile:/share/folder elswork/samba \
-u "$(id -u):$(id -g):$(id -un):$(id -gn):put-any-password-here" \
-s "SmbShare:/share/folder:rw:$(id -un)"
On Windows point your filebrowser to \\host-ip\
to preview site.
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Other ways to fund me:
docker pull elswork/samba