A docker image consisting of Jupyter Notebook, Jupyter Lab and NB2KG for Jupyter Enterprise Gateway
This image installs the Jupyter server extensions NB2KG and Jupyter Lab on top of image jupyterhub/k8s-singleuser-sample.
This image is configured to be run against Jupyter Enterprise Gateway instances, although running against Jupyter Kernel Gateway instances should be fine. It enables the ability to target either form of gateway using either Jupyter Notebook
or Jupyter Lab
. It also provides necessary support to be used in a JupyterHub
It is built using the k8s-singleuser-sample
image and includes the Jupyter Lab
extension that can be optionally invoked. The tag of the image corresponds to the Enterprise Gateway
version from which the image was built.
If the gateway server is remote, the following command can be used to direct NB2KG to that gateway...
docker run -t --rm -p 8888:8888 -e GATEWAY_HOST=<gateway-hostname> -v <host-notebook-directory>:/home/jovyan/work elyra/nb2kg:<tag>
This will configure the KG_URL
to http://${GATEWAY_HOST}:8888
with KERNEL_USERNAME set to jovyan
If you have an elyra/enterprise-gateway
container running on the same host, or would like to run mulitple notebook instances against the same gateway, the ports of the NB2KG can be adjusted as follows:
docker run -t --rm -p 9002:9002 -e NB_PORT=9002 -e GATEWAY_HOST=<gateway-hostname> -v <host-notebook-directory>:/home/jovyan/work elyra/nb2kg
This maps port 9002
of the container to host port 9002
and instructs the container to use 9002
as the notebook port. The use of -e NB_PORT
is only necessary if running on the same host as the gateway server. If that's not the case, then only -p 9002:8888
is required to support multiple NB2KG instances on the same host.
You can then run multiple notebook sessions on the same host by using different port mappings. In addition, additional users can be emulated by setting the KG_HTTP_USER
environment variable.
docker run -t --rm -p 9003:8888 -e GATEWAY_HOST=<gateway-hostname> -e KG_HTTP_USER=bob -v <host-notebook-directory>:/home/jovyan/work elyra/nb2kg
Here, the notebook will be available at port 9003
on the host and the KERNEL_USERNAME
variable will be set to bob
. Note that in this case, -e NB_PORT
is not used since the gateway is not on the same host (in this example).
The Jupyter Lab extension can be utilized by adding /lab
on the notebook
URL. No additional arguments are required for this usage.
docker run -t --rm -p 8888:8888 -e GATEWAY_HOST=<gateway-hostname> -v <host-notebook-directory>:/home/jovyan/work elyra/nb2kg:<tag>
This image can also be used as a spawner target in Jupyter Hub configurations. For instructions on how to run within a Hub configuration, please check out the blog: On-demand Notebooks with JupyterHub, Jupyter Enterprise Gateway and Kubernetes.
docker pull elyra/nb2kg