Runs a GUI for managing a Redis database
A Docker container with
Image tags reflect npm versions of
# run it
$ docker run -it emmenko/redis-commander --help
--redis-port The port to find redis on. [string]
--redis-host The host to find redis on. [string]
--redis-socket The unix-socket to find redis on. [string]
--redis-password The redis password. [string]
--redis-db The redis database. [string]
--http-auth-username, --http-u The http authorisation username. [string]
--http-auth-password, --http-p The http authorisation password. [string]
--address, -a The address to run the server on. [string] [default: ""]
--port, -p The port to run the server on. [string] [default: 8081]
--nosave, --ns Do not save new connections to config. [boolean]
docker pull emmenko/redis-commander