
By emqx

Updated 2 months ago




Quick Reference

Official Website:


Where to get help and fire issues:

https://github.com/emqx/nanomq/issues or https://slack-invite.emqx.io/ or https://discord.gg/xYGf3fQnES

Supported architectures

POSIX compatible Architecture

What is NanoMQ

Nano MQTT Broker (NanoMQ) is a lightweight and blazing-fast MQTT Broker for the IoT Edge platform. NanoMQ unifies data in motions and data in use between Edge and Cloud in an efficient manner.

Ihe cost effectiveness, performant, high compatibility and interoperability makes NanoMQ your best option of edge messaging broker and databus.


  • Fully MQTT 5.0 Compliant

    Fully support MQTT 5.0/3.1.1, Compatible with all standard open-source MQTT SDKs.

  • MQTT Bridges

    Bridging message from edge to multiple clouds. In-line connections to Global cloud services.

  • Message Persistence

    Preserve your business-critical data with built-in data persistence, and resume uploading automatically when the connection is restored.

  • Rule Engine

    Unlock the flexibility of data with a SQL-based rule engine. Integrates with eKuiper to bring stream processing to the edge.

  • Integrability

    Reduce the cost of integrating edge computing applications with event-driven WebHooks. Easy to maintain with EdgeOps friendly HTTP APIs.

  • All-round

    Support multiple protocols such as ZeroMQ/nanomsg/NNG/WebSocket. Enabling flexible and diverse routing topology on edge with. Secure your IoT connections with TLS/SSL.

How to use this image

docker pull emqx/nanomq:latest

Run specific version of NanoMQ:

docker run -d -p 1883:1883 -p 8883:8883 --name nanomq emqx/nanomq:latest

There are 3 kinds of NanoMQ docker image:

Default: Take alpine as base image, minimum size but only has basic MQTT broker function.

docker pull emqx/nanomq:0.14.1

Slim: Take Ubuntu as base image, moderate size with necessary features like TLS/SSL, SQLite and Rule Engine.

docker pull emqx/nanomq:0.14.1-slim

Full: A comprehensive docker image with all features on board, such as QUIC bridging, ZeroMQ gateway and Bench toolkit.

docker pull emqx/nanomq:0.14.1-full
NanoMQ configuration file

Docker version: Specify config file path from host:

docker run -d -p 1883:1883 -v {YOU LOCAL PATH}: /etc \
          --name nanomq  emqx/nanomq:0.14.1

Recommend to use Environment variables to config NanoMQ

NanoMQ Environment Variables

NANOMQ_BROKER_URLString'nmq-tcp://host:port', 'tls+nmq-tcp://host:port'
NANOMQ_DAEMONBooleanSet nanomq as daemon (default: false).
NANOMQ_NUM_TASKQ_THREADIntegerNumber of taskq threads used, num greater than 0 and less than 256.
NANOMQ_MAX_TASKQ_THREADIntegerMaximum number of taskq threads used, num greater than 0 and less than 256.
NANOMQ_PARALLELLongNumber of parallel.
NANOMQ_PROPERTY_SIZEIntegerMax size for a MQTT user property.
NANOMQ_MSQ_LENIntegerQueue length for resending messages.
NANOMQ_QOS_DURATIONIntegerThe interval of the qos timer.
NANOMQ_ALLOW_ANONYMOUSBooleanAllow anonymous login (default: true).
NANOMQ_WEBSOCKET_ENABLEBooleanEnable websocket listener (default: true).
NANOMQ_WEBSOCKET_URLString'nmq-ws://host:port/path', 'nmq-wss://host:port/path'
NANOMQ_HTTP_SERVER_ENABLEBooleanEnable http server (default: false).
NANOMQ_HTTP_SERVER_PORTIntegerPort for http server (default: 8081).
NANOMQ_HTTP_SERVER_USERNAMEStringHttp server user name for auth.
NANOMQ_HTTP_SERVER_PASSWORDStringHttp server password for auth.
NANOMQ_TLS_ENABLEBooleanEnable TLS connection.
NANOMQ_TLS_CA_CERT_PATHStringPath to the file containing PEM-encoded CA certificates.
NANOMQ_TLS_CERT_PATHStringPath to a file containing the user certificate.
NANOMQ_TLS_KEY_PATHStringPath to the file containing the user's private PEM-encoded key.
NANOMQ_TLS_KEY_PASSWORDStringString containing the user's password. Only used if the private keyfile is password-protected.
NANOMQ_TLS_VERIFY_PEERBooleanVerify peer certificate (default: false).
NANOMQ_TLS_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERTBooleanServer will fail if the client does not have a certificate to send (default: false).
NANOMQ_CONF_PATHStringNanoMQ main config file path (defalt: /etc/nanomq.conf).
  • Specify a broker url. On host system:

    export NANOMQ_BROKER_URL="nmq-tcp://"
    export NANOMQ_TLS_ENABLE=true
    export NANOMQ_TLS_URL="tls+nmq-tcp://"

    Creating docker container:

    docker run -d -p 1883:1883 -p 8883:8883 \
               -e NANOMQ_BROKER_URL="nmq-tcp://" \
               -e NANOMQ_TLS_ENABLE=true \
               -e NANOMQ_TLS_URL="tls+nmq-tcp://" \
               --name nanomq emqx/nanomq:0.14.1-full
  • Specify a nanomq config file path. On host system:

    export NANOMQ_CONF_PATH="/usr/local/etc/nanomq.conf"

    Creating docker container:

    docker run -d -p 1883:1883 -e NANOMQ_CONF_PATH="/usr/local/etc/nanomq.conf" \
                [-v {LOCAL PATH}:{CONTAINER PATH}] \
                --name nanomq emqx/nanomq:0.14.0-slim
Performance Tunning

In order to achieve the best performance on your platform, recommend to change following settings:

system.num_taskq_threadIntegerNumber of taskq threads used. (equal to your CPU cores)
system.max_taskq_threadIntegerMaximum number of taskq threads used. (equal to your CPU cores)
system.parallelLongNumber of parallel. (equal to your CPU cores * 2)
mqtt.session.msq_lenIntegerInflight window/Queue length for resending messages. (Recommend to set as max number: 65535, depending on your memory limitation)

Docker Pull Command

docker pull emqx/nanomq