openGauss latest images created by Enmotech
If you are attempting to run a container of openGauss version 5.0 or later on macOS or Windows, you should use the enmotech/opengauss-lite
version. This is because since version 5.0, the openGauss EE container cannot start up properly on macOS or Windows. However, there are no issues when running it on Linux.
LinksopenGauss is an open-source relational database management system released under the Mulan PSL v2 license. The openGauss kernel was originally derived from PostgreSQL and deeply integrates Huawei's extensive experience in the database field, continuously building competitive features tailored to enterprise needs. openGauss is also an open-source, free database platform that encourages community contributions and collaboration.
openGauss Community Official Website: https://opengauss.org/
Currently supports x86-64 and ARM64 architectures, automatically determined based on the machine architecture when obtaining the image.
From version 5.0 (including 5.0):
is Enterprise edition, enmotech/opengauss-lite
is Lite edition.From version 3.0 (including 3.0):
From version 2.0 (including 2.0):
Before version 1.1.0 (including 1.1.0):
$ docker run --name opengauss --privileged=true -d -e GS_PASSWORD=Enmo@123 enmotech/opengauss:latest
To use the openGauss image more flexibly, additional parameters can be set. More controllable parameters will be added in future versions. The current version supports the following variables.
This parameter must be set when using the openGauss image. The value cannot be empty or undefined. This parameter sets the password for the openGauss database superuser omm
and the test user gaussdb
. The omm
superuser is created by default during openGauss installation and the username cannot be changed at this time. The test user gaussdb
is a custom-created user in the entrypoint.sh.
The openGauss image is configured with local trust mechanism, so no password is required to connect to the database within the container. However, if connecting from outside the container (other hosts or other containers), a password must be entered.
openGauss password complexity requirements: the password must be at least 8 characters long and contain uppercase and lowercase English letters, numbers, and special characters.
Specifies the database node name. The default is gaussdb
Specifies the database connection username. The default is gaussdb
Specifies the database port. The default is 5432.
openGauss listens on port 5432 within the container by default. To access the database from outside the container, specify the -p
parameter when running docker run
. For example, the following command allows access to the container database using port 15432.
$ docker run --name opengauss --privileged=true -d -e GS_PASSWORD=Secretpassword@123 -p 15432:5432 enmotech/opengauss:latest
After successfully starting the container database with the above command, you can access the database using gsql
from outside.
$ gsql -d postgres -U gaussdb -W'Secretpassword@123' -h your-host-ip -p15432
Once a container is deleted, all data and configurations within the container will also be lost. If you run a container from the image again, all data will be in the initial state. Therefore, for database containers, to prevent data loss due to the container's demise or damage, persistent storage of data is required. This can be achieved by specifying the -v
parameter when running docker run
. For example, the following command will specify storing all data files of openGauss on the host machine at /enmotech/opengauss. The -u root
parameter is used to specify that the script is executed as the root user when the container starts, otherwise, there will be permission issues in creating the data file directory.
Note: If using podman, there will be a target path check, and the target path on the host machine needs to be created in advance.
$ mkdir -p /enmotech/opengauss
$ docker run --name opengauss --privileged=true -d -e GS_PASSWORD=Secretpassword@123 \
-v /enmotech/opengauss:/var/lib/opengauss -u root -p 15432:5432 \
The above script has multiple custom parameters, the following are the parameter names (explanation) [default value].
(Container subnet) []GS_PASSWORD
(Define database password) [Enmo@123]MASTER_IP
(Master database IP) []SLAVE_1_IP
(Slave database IP) []MASTER_HOST_PORT
(Master database service port) [5432]MASTER_LOCAL_PORT
(Master communication port) [5434]SLAVE_1_HOST_PORT
(Slave database service port) [6432]SLAVE_1_LOCAL_PORT
(Slave communication port) [6434]MASTER_NODENAME
(Master node name) [opengauss_master]SLAVE_NODENAME
(Slave node name) [opengauss_slave1]
Pull the Image
# docker pull enmotech/opengauss:latest
Get and Run the Script to Create Master-Slave Containers
# wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/enmotech/enmotech-docker-opengauss/master/create_master_slave.sh
# chmod +x create_master_slave.sh
# ./create_master_slave.sh
Please input OG_SUBNET (Container subnet) []:
Please input GS_PASSWORD (Define database password) [Enmo@123]:
GS_PASSWORD set Enmo@123
Please input MASTER_IP (Master database IP) []:
Please input SLAVE_1_IP (Slave database IP) []:
SLAVE_1_IP set
Please input MASTER_HOST_PORT (Master database service port) [5432]:
Please input MASTER_LOCAL_PORT (Master communication port) [5434]:
Please input SLAVE_1_HOST_PORT (Slave database service port) [6432]:
SLAVE_1_HOST_PORT set 6432
Please input SLAVE_1_LOCAL_PORT (Slave communication port) [6434]:
Please input MASTER_NODENAME [opengauss_master]:
MASTER_NODENAME set opengauss_master
Please input SLAVE_NODENAME [opengauss_slave1]:
SLAVE_NODENAME set opengauss_slave1
Please input openGauss VERSION [1.0.1]:
openGauss VERSION set 1.0.1
OpenGauss Database Network Created.
OpenGauss Database Master Docker Container created.
OpenGauss Database Slave1 Docker Container created.
Verify Master-Slave Status
# docker exec -it opengauss_master /bin/bash
# su - omm
Last login: Thu Oct 1 23:19:49 UTC 2020 on pts/0
$ gs_ctl query -D /var/lib/opengauss/data/
[2020-10-01 23:21:27.685][316][][gs_ctl]: gs_ctl query ,datadir is -D "/var/lib/opengauss/data"
HA state:
local_role : Primary
static_connections : 1
db_state : Normal
detail_information : Normal
Senders info:
sender_pid : 258
local_role : Primary
peer_role : Standby
peer_state : Normal
state : Streaming
sender_sent_location : 0/3000550
sender_write_location : 0/3000550
sender_flush_location : 0/3000550
sender_replay_location : 0/3000550
receiver_received_location : 0/3000550
receiver_write_location : 0/3000550
receiver_flush_location : 0/3000550
receiver_replay_location : 0/3000550
sync_percent : 100%
sync_state : Sync
sync_priority : 1
sync_most_available : On
channel :>
Receiver info:
No information
Copyright (c) 2011-2024 Enmotech
The license agreement follows GPL v3.0, and you can get the detailed content of the agreement from the link below.
EnmoTech is an Intelligent Data Technology provider established in 2011, headquartered in Beijing, with offices covering 35 regions globally including Hong Kong, Singapore and Sydney. Since its inception, EnmoTech has focused continuously on innovating and developing solutions for data and databases. Our range of solutions include HTAP DBMS, software defined distributed storage, database deployment, performance management and intelligent data analytics. More than 3,000 corporate clients with more than 50,000 business systems has been served and managed by EnmoTech. Learn more at www.enmotech.com or contact apacmarketing@enmotech.com
docker pull enmotech/opengauss