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By envoyproxy

Updated about 2 hours ago

Cloud-native high-performance edge/middle/service proxy



Envoy proxy server Envoy proxy server

Quick reference

Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links

Quick reference (cont.)

Image variants

For stable Envoy versions images are created for the version and the latest of that minor version.

For example, if the latest version in the 1.73.x series is 1.73.7 then images are created for:

  • envoyproxy/envoy:v1.73.7
  • envoyproxy/envoy:v1.73-latest

A similar strategy is used to create images for each of the versioned variants.


These images contain just the core Envoy binary built upon an Ubuntu base image.


These images contain the Envoy binary built with all contrib extensions.


These images contain just the core Envoy binary built upon a distroless (nonroot/nossl) base image.

These images are the most efficient and secure way to deploy Envoy in a container.


These images contain tools that are separate from the proxy binary but are useful in supporting systems such as CI, configuration generation pipelines, etc


These images are built for each of the variants, but with an Envoy binary containing debug symbols.


Development images are created from the main branch by Envoy's continuous integration, and are tagged with the dev suffix.

Images are created for each of the versioned variants.

For each variant, images are tagged with just the dev suffix and with the dev-<SHA> suffix, where the SHA is the commit in Envoy main from which it was created.

For example, after a build at commit 7c1c4a0e, an image will be created for envoyproxy/envoy:dev-7c1c4a0e10a7a0771ac06ce8cf8fa2c6ce86281b and the image envoyproxy/envoy:dev will be tagged to it until the next build.


These images contain tools for testing and researching vulnerabilities as part of the Google Vulnerability Reward Program (VRP)

Docker Pull Command

docker pull envoyproxy/envoy