Analyzing CMIP data made easy
ESMValCore: core functionalities for the ESMValTool, a community diagnostic and performance metrics tool for routine evaluation of Earth System Models in the Climate Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP).
Please have a look at the documentation to get started.
The ESMValCore package provides the esmvaltool
command, which can be used to run
for working with CMIP-like data.
A large collection of ready to use
recipes and diagnostics
is provided by the
The ESMValCore package provides various functions for:
Finding data in a directory structure typically used for CMIP data.
Reading CMIP/CMOR tables and using those to check model and observational data.
ESMValTool preprocessor functions based on iris for e.g. regridding, vertical interpolation, statistics, correcting (meta)data errors, extracting a time range, etcetera.
read all about it in the API documentation.
The easiest way to get help if you cannot find the answer in the documentation on readthedocs, is to open an issue on GitHub.
Contributions are very welcome, please read our contribution guidelines to get started.
docker pull esmvalgroup/esmvalcore