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By esolang

Updated 11 months ago

Easily execute Tcl programming language

Languages & Frameworks
Integration & Delivery
Internet of Things


Tcl programming language

This image is a part of esolang-box 2.4.0.


esolang-box project aims to provide easy and normalized interface for many (currently 227 (!)) programming languages by Docker, especially to uncommon esoteric programming languages.

The implementation and interpreter of language Tcl is included in this image and can be invoked by the simple one command tcl. (it's also an alias of script command, so you can use either.)

This script accepts standard input as the input of program and the first argument as program code file. The output of the script will be printed into standard output. This convension is shared between all esolang-box images, so you can use another language easily.

Usage example

Run a single Tcl script

Supposing you have hello world script hello.tcl in the current directory like this:

$ cat hello.tcl
puts "Hello, World!"

You can execute it with the following command:

$ docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/code:ro esolang/tcl tcl /code/hello.tcl
Hello, World!
Processing input
$ docker run -i --rm -v "$PWD":/code:ro esolang/tcl tcl /code/hello.tcl < input.txt
Debug code with shell
$ docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD":/code:ro esolang/tcl sh
# tcl /code/hello.tcl
Hello, World!
Observing usage of exec syscalls

esolang-box 2.4.0 supports tracing of execve and execveat syscalls by strace command. Setting STRACE_OUTPUT_PATH environment variables and enabling ptrace will produce strace log to the specified path.

$ docker run --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --rm -v "$PWD":/code --env STRACE_OUTPUT_PATH=/code/strace.txt esolang/tcl tcl /code/hello.tcl
Hello, World!

Some considerations:

Docker Pull Command

docker pull esolang/tcl