Helpers for working with web server
Installation • Usage • Build Status • License
is helpers for working with web server.
From ESSENTIAL KAOS Public repository
sudo yum install -y$(uname -r).rpm
sudo yum install web-utils
From GitHub repository
curl -o web-utils
chmod +x web-utils
sudo mv web-utils /usr/bin/
Also, you can use the latest version of utility without installation:
bash <(curl -fsSL # pass your options here
Using Docker
The latest version of web-utils
also available as Docker image.
docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/data" essentialkaos/web-utils:latest # pass your options here
Usage: web-utils command args…
┌ csr-gen host Generate key and a certificate signing request
└ csr-gen config Generate key and a certificate signing request from OpenSSL configuration file
csr-info csr Print info from certificate signing request
csr-config-gen host Generate OpenSSL configuration file for certificate signing request generation
crt-info crt Print info from certificate
┌ hpkp-gen csr backup Generate HTTP public key pinning (HPKP) header from CSR file
│ hpkp-gen key backup Generate HTTP public key pinning (HPKP) header from KEY file
└ hpkp-gen crt backup Generate HTTP public key pinning (HPKP) header from CRT file
┌ ocsp-gen server-cert issuer-cert Generate OCSP stapling file from server certificate
└ ocsp-gen cert-chain Generate OCSP stapling file from server certificate chain
ocsp-check host server-name Check OCSP response status for some host
0rtt-check host server-name Check 0-RTT support
htpasswd user password Generate record with MD5 password hash for .htpasswd files
--ecc, -E Generate ECC certificate signing request
--size, -s size Key size (ECC: 256-384 / RSA: 2048-8192)
--help, -h Show this help message
--version, -v Show information about version
web-utils csr-gen
Generate RSA key and a certificate signing request for
web-utils hpkp-gen
Generate HTTP public key pinning (HPKP) header with server and backup pins
web-utils ocsp-gen sever.crt issuer.crt
Generate OCSP stapling file using server and issuer certificates
web-utils ocsp-gen sever-chain.crt
Generate OCSP stapling file using certificate chain
web-utils ocsp-check
Check OCSP response status for
docker pull essentialkaos/web-utils