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By essentialkaos

Updated 4 months ago

WEBKAOS is a web-server based on latest version of Nginx with many improvements

Developer Tools


webkaos is a web-server based on the latest version of Nginx.

Feature list


From ESSENTIAL KAOS Public repo for RHEL7/CentOS7

sudo yum install -y https://yum.kaos.st/kaos-repo-latest.el$(grep 'CPE_NAME' /etc/os-release | tr -d '"' | cut -d':' -f5).noarch.rpm
sudo yum install webkaos
# install optional modules
sudo yum install webkaos-module-brotli webkaos-module-naxsi

Using Docker

Official webkaos images available on Docker Hub and GitHub Container Registry. All Docker images support templating using environment variables.

Official images:

  • essentialkaos/webkaos:centos7
  • essentialkaos/webkaos:centos7-unprivileged
  • essentialkaos/webkaos:ol7
  • essentialkaos/webkaos:ol7-unprivileged
  • essentialkaos/webkaos:ol8
  • essentialkaos/webkaos:ol8-unprivileged
  • essentialkaos/webkaos:ol9
  • essentialkaos/webkaos:ol9-unprivileged
  • ghcr.io/essentialkaos/webkaos:centos7
  • ghcr.io/essentialkaos/webkaos:centos7-unprivileged
  • ghcr.io/essentialkaos/webkaos:ol7
  • ghcr.io/essentialkaos/webkaos:ol7-unprivileged
  • ghcr.io/essentialkaos/webkaos:ol8
  • ghcr.io/essentialkaos/webkaos:ol8-unprivileged
  • ghcr.io/essentialkaos/webkaos:ol9
  • ghcr.io/essentialkaos/webkaos:ol9-unprivileged

Usage examples:

# Image on CentOS 7
docker run --name my-webkaos -v /some/content:/usr/share/webkaos/html:ro -p 8080:80 -d essentialkaos/webkaos:centos7
# Image on OracleLinux 7
docker run --name my-webkaos -v /some/content:/usr/share/webkaos/html:ro -p 8080:80 -d essentialkaos/webkaos:ol7
# Unprivileged image on CentOS 7
docker run --name my-webkaos -v /some/content:/usr/share/webkaos/html:ro -p 8080:8080 -d essentialkaos/webkaos:centos7-unprivileged
# Unprivileged image on OracleLinux 7
docker run --name my-webkaos -v /some/content:/usr/share/webkaos/html:ro -p 8080:8080 -d essentialkaos/webkaos:ol7-unprivileged

Useful environment variables:

  • WEBKAOS_ENABLE_ENTRYPOINT_LOGS - Enable logging for actions made by entrypoint script;
  • WEBKAOS_DISABLE_PROC_TUNE - Disable automatic worker_processes tuning;
  • WEBKAOS_DISABLE_BUCKET_TUNE - Disable automatic server_names_hash_bucket_size tuning;
  • WEBKAOS_DISABLE_TEMPLATES - Disable automatic templates rendering.

Using rpmbuilder

... install and configure rpmbuilder there
git clone https://github.com/essentialkaos/webkaos.git
cd webkaos/
rpmbuilder webkaos.spec -dl SOURCES/
rpmbuilder webkaos.spec -3 -V -di

Q:Why is it named webkaos?
A: The very first version of this webserver was named nginx-kaos. But it uses a lot of different, awesome projects and libraries, not only nginx. So, we decided to choose something neutral.

Q:Is it safe to use webkaos in production?
A: Yes. But we can't guarantee that there are no bugs in nginx, its modules, or used dependencies.

Q:Can I use Docker images with Kubernetes/Nomad/Rancher?
A: Yes.

Q:Can you provide packages for Ubuntu/Debian/FreeBSD?
A: Theoretically, yes. Practically, no. We use only RHEL-based distros in our infrastructure, and we can't provide the same quality of packages for other distros.

Q:Can you provide Alpine-based Docker images?
A: No. Using RPM packages simplify their support for us. There is a complex process of building and testing packages with different tools (rpmbuilder, rpmlint, perfecto, bibop, shellcheck) and we can't provide the same level of quality without them. Also, it is tough to write and maintain Dockerfiles with a large number of build actions and stages.

Q:Why doesn't Dockerfile contain a package version?
A: Webkaos is based on the latest, mainline (unstable) version of Nginx, every release of which contains different fixes. So it is important to use the latest version of webkaos, and not to stick to a particular one.


BSD 2-clause

Docker Pull Command

docker pull essentialkaos/webkaos