
By eurobertics

Updated 9 months ago

Openlitespeed webserver from Litespeedtech, compiled for ARMv8/ARM64 (Raspberry PI for example).

Web Servers
Developer Tools


This repository is deprecated and will no longer be maintained.

Since version 1.8.2, Litespeedtech also offers an ARM version of their famous webserver Openlitespeed.
Due to this, there is no need to maintain this repository anymore, making it now obsolete. More information can be found here:

Openlitespeed with LSPHP for ARM64/ARMv8 processors

The Openlitespeed webserver from Litespeedtech with LSPHP compiled for ARM processors such as Raspberry PI (where it was actually compiled on).

Why another OLS repository?

Since there are only amd64 binaries out there, so it was time for alternatives. I was looking for a way to create a small dev enviroment on my Raspberry PI and here we are.

Quick reference

Docker base image:

Supported tags


Run the image as usual:

$ docker run -d --name ols -p 7080:7080 -p 8088:8088 eurobertics/openlitespeed:lsphp80

The port 7080 is the admin port, the port 8088 is the example vhost port.
Other ports can be forwared (such as 80 or 443) but have to be configured in the admin login when creating new vhosts.

The admin panel can be reached by:


The default login credentials are:

admin / 123456

Tip: It might be a good idea to mount the log directory /usr/local/lsws/logs from the host machine to have access to the logs.
Tip: There is also an empty directory /var/www/vhosts which can also be used when mounted from the host image to create new vhosts and put the logs also in this directory.

More about this can be found on the support pages of Openlitespeed.

How is this image created

The image is created from the source of the Openlitespeed Github page.
LSPHP created from the PHP source code

The binaries are compiled on a Raspberry PI (3) (yes you read it correct and yes it took quite a while to compile it all).
After that, an empty Ubuntu base image was created, the needed libraries are installed and the compiled binaries are copied to the image. Lastly the original entrypoint ( was also copied.

Of course some other work is also done such as creating the lsadm user and group. More can be found in the image layers of the respective tag.

Note: Since version 1.8 of Openlitespeed, a new base image is used (debian:bookworm). While LSPHP is still compiled from source, Openlitespeed is not compiled directly, instead the release package from GitHub is now the base.

Licence and support

Every software used may have it's own licence which can be found at the software itself. This repository and the software within, comes as is without any warranty of the repository owner.

For support please visit Openlitespeed support page directly or take a look at the Support & Feedback paragraph here.

The same applies for PHP, were support can be found here.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull eurobertics/openlitespeed