CircleCI has images that incorporate ruby, the version of your choice, with node and browsers to ensure asset compilation and acceptance tests work.
Currently the ruby images comes with node version that cannot be custom specified, and we are using a very specific version of node, along with a very specific version of yarn.
To avoid changing too many things as once, this image combines two circle images to get exactly the right version of ruby, with exactly the right version of node and yarn.
This is not ideal, and we would want our compilation to work with any reasonable version of yarn and node.
Sticking with a custom build means we aren't using the latest and greatest fixes for the images. It also means we have to maintain this repo, and the related docker hub images.
Next steps should get us off these custom builds and on to prebuilt images.
A list of prebuilt images in all languages is here: images
Circle config should be changed to use image:
Combined images are on the docker hub.
On each pull request, CircleCI builds Dockerfile
and runs some basic tests within the
running image. On merge to master, it will also publish the result to Docker Hub as
You can also use docker to create an image locally:
docker build . -t everlane/circleci:my-tag
is the user and repository on hub. The stuff after
is the tag.
To push it to docker use:
docker push everlane/circleci:ruby2.5.1-node10.6.0-browsers
CircleCI uses .circleci/config.yml
to setup the builds. Use the docker
image key to set up circle with the new image:
version: 2
parallelism: 8
# image documentation @ https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/circleci-images/
- image: everlane/circleci:ruby2.5.1-node10.6.0-browsers
# ... more docker and other setup!
Images are then available at hub
docker pull everlane/circleci