
By exoplatform

Updated almost 5 years ago

eXo Platform Trial edition inside a Docker container.



eXo Platform Trial Docker image

Docker Stars - Docker Pulls

The eXo Platform Trial edition Docker image support HSQLDB only (for testing).

ImageJDKeXo Platform
exoplatform/exo-trial:latest85.2.0 Trial edition (latest release)
exoplatform/exo-trial:5.385.3 Trial edition (latest milestone)
exoplatform/exo-trial: Trial edition (latest release)
exoplatform/exo-trial: Trial edition (latest release)
exoplatform/exo-trial: Trial edition
exoplatform/exo-trial:4.484.4.4 Trial edition
exoplatform/exo-trial:4.384.3.0 Trial edition

Quick start

The prerequisites are :

  • Docker daemon version 12+ and an internet access
  • 4GB of available RAM + 1GB of disk

The most basic way to start eXo Platform Trial edition for evaluation purpose is to execute

docker run --rm -v exo_trial_data:/srv -p 8080:8080 exoplatform/exo-trial

and then waiting the log line which say that the server is started

2017-05-22 10:49:30,176 | INFO  | Server startup in 83613 ms [org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina<main>]

When ready just go to http://localhost:8080 and follow the instructions ;-)

Configuration options


The standard eXo Platform environment variables can be used :

EXO_JVM_SIZE_MINNO512mspecify the jvm minimum allocated memory size (-Xms parameter)
EXO_JVM_SIZE_MAXNO3gspecify the jvm maximum allocated memory size (-Xmx parameter)

INFO: This list is not exhaustive (see eXo Platform documentation or {EXO_HOME}/bin/setenv.sh for more parameters).


The following environment variables should be passed to the container in order to configure the mail server configuration to use :

EXO_MAIL_FROMNOnoreply@exoplatform.com"from" field of emails sent by eXo platform
EXO_MAIL_SMTP_HOSTNOlocalhostSMTP Server hostname
EXO_MAIL_SMTP_STARTTLSNOfalsetrue to enable the secure (TLS) SMTP. See RFC 3207.
EXO_MAIL_SMTP_USERNAMENO-authentication username for smtp server (if needed)
EXO_MAIL_SMTP_PASSWORDNO-authentication password for smtp server (if needed)


see eXo Platform logs
# eXo Platform logs
docker exec <CONTAINER_NAME> tail -f /var/log/exo/platform.log
# MongoDB logs
docker exec <CONTAINER_NAME> tail -f /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log
install eXo Platform add-ons

To install add-ons in the container, provide a commas separated list of add-ons you want to install in a EXO_ADDONS_LIST environment variable to the container:

docker run -d \
    -p 8080:8080 \
    -e EXO_ADDONS_LIST="exo-answers:1.2.1,exo-web-pack:1.1.1" \

INFO: the provided add-ons list will be installed in the container during the container creation.

list eXo Platform add-ons available

In a running container execute the following command:

docker exec <CONTAINER_NAME> /opt/exo/addon list
list eXo Platform add-ons installed

In a running container execute the following command:

docker exec <CONTAINER_NAME> /opt/exo/addon list --installed
override eXo Platform add-ons catalog

For add-on development purpose, it could be useful to point the add-on manager to another catalog. You can use the EXO_ADDONS_CATALOG_URL environment variable for that :

# Pointing to a remote catalog
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 \
 -e EXO_ADDONS_CATALOG_URL="http://my.enterprise.com/catalog.json" \
 -e EXO_ADDONS_LIST="my-enterprise-addon:1.0.0" \

# Pointing to a catalog on the local filesystem
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 \
 -e EXO_ADDONS_CATALOG_URL="file:///etc/exo/catalog.json" \
 -e EXO_ADDONS_LIST="my-enterprise-addon:1.0.0" \
 -v /path/to/catlog.json:/etc/exo/catalog.json:ro \
customize some eXo Platform settings

As explained in eXo Platform documentation you can customize several aspects of eXo platform by settings environment variables :

docker run -d \
    -p 8080:8080 \
    -e EXO_JVM_SIZE_MAX="8g" \

Docker Pull Command

docker pull exoplatform/exo-trial