
By exoplatform

Updated 3 months ago

An SMTP service



SMTP container

This container contains the basic configuration to send emails from other containers.

Run the container

# docker run -d --name smtp exoplatform/smtp:latest
  • You can map /var/spool/postfix to a volume if you want the queue to be persistent
  • Logs are in the directory /var/log/mail and can be stored in a volume is needed

Link the containers you want to send mail from with this container :

  docker run -d --link smtp:smtp otherimage
Available parameters
  • RELAY_DOMAINS : if you want to specify the domains to relay emails to
  • DEBUG : Activate the postfix debug logs


You can activate DKIM signature by using the following environment variables:

NameType / Default valueDescription
DKIM_ENABLEDBoolean : falseEnable DKIM Signature
DKIM_DOMAINString :<mandatory>DKIM Domain name
DKIM_SELECTORString : defaultDKIM Selector
DKIM_AUTHORIZED_HOSTSString : <optional>DKIM authorized sender hosts (comma seperated list)
  • Authentication

You can activate authentication by using the following environment variables:

NameType / Default valueDescription
AUTH_ENABLEDBoolean : falseEnable Authentication
RELAY_HOSTString :<mandatory>Relay Host
AUTH_USER String : <mandatory>Auth username
AUTH_PASSWORDString : <optional>Auth password

Docker Pull Command

docker pull exoplatform/smtp