
By factorhouse

Updated 4 months ago

The enterprise edition of Kpow - The Ultimate Engineering Toolkit for Apache Kafka®

API Management
Monitoring & Observability
Developer Tools


Release to DockerHub

Dockerfile for Kpow - The Ultimate Engineering Toolkit for Apache Kafka®

Note: This repository is for the Enterprise Edition of Kpow.

View Features to compare editions.

Quick reference

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Quick reference (cont.)

What is Kpow?

An Engineering Toolkit for Apache Kafka®

Kpow is the toolkit that empowers your team to deliver with Kafka.

Once installed, Kpow gathers information about your Kafka resources every minute, stores the results locally in internal topics, then provides custom telemetry and insights to you in a rich data-oriented UI.

X-Ray Vision of Kafka Resources

Gain instant visibility of your brokers, topics, groups, partitions, offsets, and more.

Kpow offers full support for controlling and monitoring Kafka Connect clusters and Schema Registries.

Kpow provides x-ray vision of Kafka resources

Deep Data Inspect with kJQ

Search tens of thousands of messages a second with Kpow’s unique, custom implementation of JQ-like queries for Kafka topics.

kJQ works with JSON or JSON-like data including Apache Avro®, Transit, EDN, and even Protobuf messages where you have configured custom serdes to output JSON formatted text.

Search tens of thousands of messages a second with kJQ

Compute Console to Control and Monitor Streams

Brokers, topics, and the data on them tell only one part of the Kafka story.

Kpow Compute provides access to your consumer (and soon, Kafka Streams) topologies allowing visualization of message throughput and lag at point of consumption and the ability to reset consumption at a group, host, member, topic, or assignment level.

Kpow Compute provides visualization and control of consumption

Built for the Enterprise

Kpow comes from a practical application of Kafka to real-world requirements and provides:

  • User Authentication via DB, File, LDAP, SAML, or OpenID configuration.
  • User Authorization with Simple or Role Based Access Controls (RBAC).
  • Data Policies for masking and redaction of sensitive data like Credit Card or PII.
  • Data Governance with all user actions captured in the Kpow audit log.
  • Slack Integration to have user actions sent to an operations channel as they happen.
  • HTTPS easily configured with your own certificates, or integrated with a reverse-proxy.
  • Prometheus endpoints to integrate with your preferred metrics and alerting systems.
  • Multi-Cluster Monitoring from a single installation for cost efficiency and simplicity.
  • All data in local topics makes Kpow perfect for air-gapped environments.

Kpow is easily configured with LDAP for User Authentication

And Much More..

Live Mode for real-time monitoring, Multi-Dimensional Consumer Lag insights from Kpow's custom derived telemetry, No Requirement for JMX access, discover all of our features in this guide.


Kpow is compatible with Apache Kafka 1.0+.

Kpow has been tested and is compatible with Apache Kafka, Amazon MSK, Amazon MSK Serverless, Red Had AMQ Streams, Aiven Managed Kafka, Instaclustr Managed Kafka, Confluent Platform, Confluent Cloud*, Azure Event Hubs* and Vectorized Redpanda*.

*Some disk related metrics and telemetry are not available when using Kpow with Confluent Cloud, Azure Event Hubs and Redpanda.

Quick start + local evaluation

To evaluate Kpow locally with Docker Compose and a 3-node Kafka cluster, visit the kpow-local GitHub repository.

Instructions on how to start a 30-day free trial of Kpow can be found in the kpow-local README.

Visit https://docs.kpow.io/ for more documentation on getting started with Kpow


Kpow is proprietary software. Kpow's EULA can be found in the GitHub repository or at https://kpow.io/eula/

The Dockerfile's and kpow repository are licensed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0 (EPL-1.0)

Docker Pull Command

docker pull factorhouse/kpow-ee