
By fculpo

Updated about 3 years ago

Mumble Server (Murmur) running as non-root user




This is a barebones docker container built using busybox and a statically compiled version of murmurd from the official website.

It's configured to look for its configuration file at /etc/murmur.ini and to write its data to /home/murmur.


The recommended way to run this container is as follows:

$ docker run -d -p 64738:64738 -p 64738:64738/udp fculpo/murmur

To have the container store the sqlite database on your filesystem instead, you can run:

$ docker run -d -p 64738:64738 -p 64738:64738/udp \
    -v /path/to/data:/home/murmur fculpo/murmur

If you want to use your own murmur.ini:

docker run -d -p 64738:64738 -p 64738:64738/udp \
    -v /path/to/murmur.ini:/etc/murmur.ini fculpo/murmur

You can combine both:

docker run -d -p 64738:64738 -p 64738:64738/udp \
    -v /path/to/murmur.ini:/etc/murmur.ini \
    -v /path/to/data:/home/murmur fculpo/murmur

Getting the super-user password

On first run, if you don't already have an existing database, you'll want to look at the logs for your container to get the super-user password:

$ docker logs murmur 2>&1 | grep Password
<W>2014-07-27 01:41:31.256 1 => Password for 'SuperUser' set to '(mAq3hkwnkD'

Docker Pull Command

docker pull fculpo/murmur