featbit evaluation server
This is the docker image of FeatBit's evaluation server which intended for use by featbit's sdks.
You can find its source code here: https://github.com/featbit/featbit/tree/main/modules/evaluation-server.
Type the following command to run the evaluation server:
docker run -d -p 5100:5100 --name featbit-evaluation-server featbitdocker/featbit-evaluation-server:latest
you have a few options to check the server's health status
Dump Health Check don't check whether the application can connect to its dependencies, and often only exercise the most basic requirements of the application itself i.e. can it respond to an HTTP request. To do that, you can
docker inspect --format '{{json .State.Health}}' featbit-evaluation-server | jq
to check if container's STATUS is healthycurl http://localhost:5100/health/liveness
manually to check the application's livenessdocker pull featbit/featbit-evaluation-server