Github Release Notifier (Multiarch)
This program will allow you to be notified of Github new releases
First run the daemon
docker run --name GRN -d femtopixel/github-release-notifier
you can mount a volume to /root/.github_release_notifier/
to keep tracks of webhooks and versions
docker run --name GRN -d -v /path/to/your/saves:/root/.github_release_notifier/ femtopixel/github-release-notifier
Then register your webhook :
docker exec GRN -a subscribe -p jaymoulin/google-music-manager -w https://acme.com/updated
Bugs and feature request are tracked on GitHub
Jay MOULIN jaymoulin+github-release-notifier@gmail.com See also the list of contributors which participated in this program.
Github Release Notifier is licensed under the MIT License
docker pull femtopixel/github-release-notifier