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By FemtoPixel

Updated about 5 years ago

Fix files "infected" by UTF-8 BOM character

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UTF-8 BOM Fixer

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Fix files "infected" by UTF-8 bom character. This script will remove the BOM character at the beginning of each files.

This character purpose is to force encode files in UTF-8 by adding a special character at the beginning of the file. Issues appears with this character on a web server because it might be interpreted (e.g : PHP files are not interpreted anymore)


php bomreplacer.php [[directory] [comma_separated_extensions]]


optional directory (current directory if not specified) directory to recursively "heal" optional comma_separated_extensions (all if not specified) allowed extension a file must have to be "healed" (comma (,) separated)


php bomreplacer.php /home/www

Will fix all files in /home/www folder

php bomreplacer.php /home/www php,css

Will fix all PHP and CSS files in /home/www folder but will leave the other files as-is.

Docker Usage

docker run --rm -ti -v "$PWD":/src femtopixel/utf8-bom-fixer

Will fix all files in your current path. You can call bomreplacer if you want to pass specific parameters


docker run --rm -ti -v "$PWD:/src" femtopixel/utf8-bom-fixer bomreplacer /src php,css

Will fix all PHP and CSS files in current directory but will leave the other files as-is.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull femtopixel/utf8-bom-fixer