
By fluentthinking

Updated 6 days ago

Toolkit for Serverless PHP on Google Cloud Run

Web Servers


Serverless PHP Toolkit for Google Cloud Run

The thinkfluent/runphp toolkit enables rapid application development and serverless hosting on Google Cloud Run.

Docker images can be found here: https://hub.docker.com/r/fluentthinking/runphp

PHP VersionImages
PHP 8.4.4fluentthinking/runphp:8.4.4-v0.23.1latest
PHP 8.3.17fluentthinking/runphp:8.3.17-v0.23.1
PHP 8.2.27fluentthinking/runphp:8.2.27-v0.23.1
PHP 8.1.31fluentthinking/runphp:8.1.31-v0.23.1
PHP 8.0.30fluentthinking/runphp:8.0.30-v0.23.1
PHP 7.4.33fluentthinking/runphp:7.4.33-v0.23.1

Some Benefits of Cloud Run with runphp

  • Auto-scaling, scale-to-zero serverless hosting on Google infrastructure
  • Free tier (2m req per month), then pay-as-you-go
  • Continuous Deployment - automated build & deployment integrations via GitHub & more
  • Custom domains with free, automatically renewing SSL certificates

Getting Started

The Vanilla Build

This should start a local instance of the default runphp image.

docker run --rm -e "RUNPHP_MODE=development" -e "PORT=80" -p 8080:80 fluentthinking/runphp:latest

You should be able to access the default home page and admin interfaces as follows:

Building Your Own Application

You will most likely need a Dockerfile; here is a simple example, which uses the baked in apache configs.

FROM fluentthinking/runphp:latest

RUN mkdir /app
COPY . /app

ENV RUNPHP_DOC_ROOT="/app/public"
docker build -t myapp .
docker run --rm -e "RUNPHP_MODE=development" -e "PORT=80" -p 8080:80 myapp:latest

Pushing to Cloud Run

These examples assume the "latest" tag, but in reality, you should use a semver or equivalent tag.

docker tag myapp:latest eu.gcr.io/<google-project>/myapp:latest
docker push eu.gcr.io/<google-project>/myapp:latest
gcloud run deploy <cloud-run-service-name> \
    --image=eu.gcr.io/<google-project>/myapp:latest \
    --platform managed \
    --allow-unauthenticated \
    --set-env-vars "RUNPHP_MODE=development" \
    --region europe-west1 \
    --project <google-project>


runphp has the following key areas of concern:

  • Foundation Docker Image
    • Based on upstream php:?.?-apache
    • Apache configurations tweaks including remote IP fixes for X-Forwarded-For, security options etc.
    • A useful default set of PHP extensions
    • Extensible (Docker!) if you need to run custom images or add further extension
    • https://github.com/thinkfluent/runphp-foundation
  • Google Cloud Integrations
  • Composer-oriented Project Tooling
    • (coming soon) Rapid creation of new projects with composer create-project
    • PHP extension detection & automatic enable via ext-*
    • PHP preloading from Composer class map (or other sources) for high performance in production
  • Getting-started Admin Interface
    • Simple admin UI, with phpinfo, opcache inspection
  • Request Profiling


Docker Entrypoint

In our Docker entrypoint, we set up some important ENV variables to help the runphp stack operate correctly.

If you want to do additional work on container startup, you can

  • Define RUNPHP_EXTRA_ENTRYPOINT_CMD="<your command here>" in your environment, and we'll execute your script after ours
    • This means you get access to RUNPHP_GOOGLE_CLOUD and other environment values
  • Replace the entrypoint, but make sure you execute docker-runphp-entrypoint at the end of your script.

If you want to roll your own apache configs, you can disable the runphp sites in your Dockerfile with

RUN a2dissite 002-runphp
PHP Prepend

runphp takes advantage of the PHP auto_prepend_file ini control to provide some of its features.

If you want to provide an additional prepend file, without losing the runphp stack, you can define RUNPHP_EXTRA_PREPEND="/some/prepend.php" in your environment.

If you also enable profiling (see below on how to do this), your prepend file is included in the profile.

PHP Preloading

runphp supports a few PHP preloading strategies, as no one-solution fits all. They are controlled via environment variables as follows:

  • RUNPHP_PRELOAD_STRATEGY="src" - "none", "composer-classmap" or "src"
  • RUNPHP_PRELOAD_ACTION="include" - "include" or "compile"
Startup Messages

runphp can produce a few useful startup messages, such as whether it has detected itself as running on Google Cloud.

However, startup output to STDERR can be noisy, so is disabled by default.

You can enable noisy startup with RUNPHP_QUIET=no as an environment variable.

Cloud Run Jobs

The runphp stack can be used with Cloud Run Jobs, as well as Cloud Run services.

Logging & Tracing

To help with log tracing when running as a cli job, we provide support for the following ENV variables:


Which, if supplied during job execution, will be used as the trace context for the job in any logs produced with https://github.com/thinkfluent/runphp-monolog-formatter

Automated Build & Deploy

This is the recommended method - Continuous Deployment using Cloud Build. Which can be very easily set up in the Cloud Run interface when creating a service, or manually afterwards.

XHProf Profiling

By adding the following ENV variable, we turn on xhprof profiling for PHP requests


The XHProf GUI can be accessed at /xhprof

Please note: profiling data files are transient in Cloud Run, as instances are stopped & started.

Building runphp

If you need to build your own base images (this repo)...

docker build \
  --platform linux/amd64 \
  --build-arg TAG_NAME=dev \
  --build-arg BUILD_PHP_VER=2 \
  --build-arg BUILD_FOUNDATION_SUFFIX=v0.22.0 \
  -t runphp:dev .

Docker Pull Command

docker pull fluentthinking/runphp