
By flybase

Updated 7 days ago

The original Perl-based proforma parsing software from FlyBase.



Build Status


The original Perl proforma parser used by Harvdev.

The purpose of this repository is to make the original parser code more readily available for Docker, goCD, and for development of the new proforma parser.

**!!!This repository should be clean of passwords etc **

  • Files are obtained and updated from the Harvdev CVS location: /fb_cvs/FB/modules/FlyBase-Proforma
  • As of now, this is a "one way" update of the original parser. In other words, changes from the CVS are pushed to GitHub but any GitHub changes will not be pushed back to CVS. Please do not edit this repository and expect the changes to be reflected at Harvdev.


The following environmental variables must be set when running the parser:

    • Format: dbi:Pg:dbname=<database name>;host=<hostname>;port=<port>
    • Format: username
    • Format: password

Docker Pull Command

docker pull flybase/harvdev-perl-proforma-parser