A Docker micro image for uhttpd, a tiny, lightweight web server. The image is built using progrium/busybox to keep the footprint as small as possible. If you need a quick and small static HTTP server, give this one a go!
This image is hosted on the Docker index as a trusted build and can be pulled down with:
docker pull fnichol/uhttpd
To run a simple detached container:
docker run -d -p 80 fnichol/uhttpd
If you want to serve the contents of the current directory in the container (warning, the directory will be local to the system running the docker
docker run -d -p 80 -v `pwd`:/www fnichol/uhttpd
Alternatively, you can use the data container pattern by creating a "data" container and mounting its volumes into the web server container. Let's use named containers to make this easier:
docker run -v /www --name www_data busybox true
docker run -d -p 80 --volumes-from www_data --name www fnichol/uhttpd
For fun, we'll run a container just to create an index file:
docker run --rm --volumes-from www_data busybox \
/bin/sh -c 'echo "<h1>Hey there</h1>" > /www/index.html'
Pull requests are very welcome! Make sure your patches are well tested. Ideally create a topic branch for every separate change you make. For example:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
)git commit -am 'Add support for feature'
)git push origin my-new-feature
)Created and maintained by Fletcher Nichol (fnichol@nichol.ca).
MIT (see License.txt)
docker pull fnichol/docker-uhttpd