
By fnndsc

Updated over 1 year ago

Docker image for ChRIS plugin apps store.

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Machine Learning & AI


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Back end for the ChRIS store. This is a Django-PostgreSQL project that houses descriptions of ChRIS plugin-apps and workflows for registering to a ChRIS CUBE instance.

ChRIS store development, testing and deployment


This page describes how to quickly get the set of services comprising the backend up and running for development and how to run the automated tests. A production deployment of the ChRIS store backend services is also explained.


Install latest Docker and Docker Compose. Currently tested platforms

On a Linux machine make sure to add your computer user to the docker group

Consult this page: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/linux-postinstall/


If you read nothing else on this page, and just want to get an instance of the ChRIS store backend services up and running with no mess, no fuss:

git clone https://github.com/FNNDSC/ChRIS_store
cd ChRIS_store
./make.sh down ; ./make.sh up

The resulting instance uses the default Django development server and therefore is not suitable for production.

Production deployment

To get the production system up:

Start a local Docker Swarm cluster if not already started:

docker swarm init --advertise-addr

Fetch source code:

git clone https://github.com/FNNDSC/ChRIS_store
cd ChRIS_store

Create secrets directory:

mkdir swarm/prod/secrets

Now copy all the required secret configuration files into the secrets directory, please take a look at this wiki page to learn more about these files

Deploy ChRIS store backend containers:

./deploy.sh up

To tear down:

Remove ChRIS store backend containers:

cd ChRIS_store
./deploy.sh down

Remove the local Docker Swarm cluster if desired:

docker swarm leave --force

Optionally setup a virtual environment

Install virtualenv

pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper

Setup your virtual environments

Create a directory for your virtual environments e.g.:

mkdir ~/Python_Envs

You might want to add to your .bashrc file these two lines:

export WORKON_HOME=~/Python_Envs
source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh

Then you can source your .bashrc and create a new Python3 virtual environment:

mkvirtualenv --python=python3 chris_store_env

To activate chris_store_env:

workon chris_store_env

To deactivate chris_store_env:


Install useful python tools in your virtual environment

cd ChRIS_store
workon chris_store_env
pip install httpie
pip install python-swiftclient
pip install django-storage-swift

You can also install some python libraries (not all of them) specified in the requirements/base.txt and requirements/local.txt files in the source repo

To list installed dependencies in chris_store_env:

pip freeze --local
Instantiate ChRIS Store dev environment

Start ChRIS Store services by running the make bash script from the repository source directory

git clone https://github.com/FNNDSC/ChRIS_store.git
./make.sh up

All the steps performed by the above script are properly documented in the script itself.

After running this script all the automated tests should have successfully run and a Django development server should be running in interactive mode in this terminal.

Rerun automated tests after modifying source code

Open another terminal and find out the id of the container running the Django server in interactive mode:

chris_store=$(docker ps -f ancestor=fnndsc/chris_store:dev -f name=chris_store_dev -q)

and run the Unit and Integration tests within that container.

To run only the Unit tests:

docker exec -it $chris_store python manage.py test --exclude-tag integration

To run only the Integration tests:

docker exec -it $chris_store python manage.py test --tag integration

To run all the tests:

docker exec -it $chris_store python manage.py test 

Check code coverage of the automated tests

Make sure the store_backend/ dir is world writable. Then type:

docker exec -it $chris_store coverage run --source=plugins,users manage.py test
docker exec -it $chris_store coverage report
Using HTTPie to play with the REST API

A simple GET request:

http http://localhost:8010/api/v1/

A simple POST request to register a new plugin app in the store:

First save the plugin representation json file by running the plugin with the --savejson flag:

docker run --rm -v /tmp/json:/json fnndsc/pl-simplefsapp simplefsapp --savejson /json

Then upload the plugin representation json file to the ChRIS Store as part of the POST request:

http -a cubeadmin:cubeadmin1234 -f POST http://localhost:8010/api/v1/plugins/ dock_image=fnndsc/pl-simplefsapp descriptor_file@/tmp/json/SimpleFSApp.json public_repo=https://github.com/FNNDSC/pl-simplefsapp name=pl-simplefsapp

An unauthenticated POST request to create a new ChRIS store user account:

http POST http://localhost:8010/api/v1/users/ Content-Type:application/vnd.collection+json Accept:application/vnd.collection+json template:='{"data":[{"name":"email","value":"developer@babymri.org"}, {"name":"password","value":"newstoreuser1234"}, {"name":"username","value":"newstoreuser"}]}'
Using swift client to list files in the store_users bucket
swift -A -U chris:chris1234 -K testing list store_users
Destroy ChRIS Store dev environment

Stop and remove ChRIS Store services by running the make bash script from the repository source directory

./make.sh down
REST API Documentation

Available here.

Install Sphinx and the http extension (useful to document the REST API)

pip install Sphinx
pip install sphinxcontrib-httpdomain

Build the html documentation

cd docs/
make html
Learn More

If you are interested in contributing or joining us, Check here.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull fnndsc/chris_store