################### pfstorage v2.0.0.2 ###################
.. image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/pfstorage.svg :target: https://badge.fury.io/py/pfstorage
.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/FNNDSC/pfstorage.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/FNNDSC/pfstorage
.. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/python-3.5%2B-blue.svg :target: https://badge.fury.io/py/pfcon
.. contents:: Table of Contents
This repository provides pfstorage
-- a library / module that speaks to an object storage backend (such as swift) and also provides logic for handling input/output data locations for the ChRIS system.
Most simply, pfstorage
is a module that offers a regularized interface to some other backend object storage. While currently supporting swift
, the long term idea is to support a multitude of backends. By providing its own interface to several storage backends, this module removes the need for client code to change when a different object storage backend is used.
While at its core a module/library, pfstorage
also provides two modes of stand-alone access: (1) a command line script interface mode to the library, and (2) a persistent http server mode. In the command line mode, the main module functions are exposed to appropriate CLI. In the http server mode, a client can use curl-type http calls to call the underlying library functions.
Installation is relatively straightforward, and we recommend using either python virtual environments or docker.
On Ubuntu, install the Python virtual environment creator
.. code-block:: bash
sudo apt install virtualenv
Then, create a directory for your virtual environments e.g.:
.. code-block:: bash
mkdir ~/python-envs
You might want to add to your .bashrc file these two lines:
.. code-block:: bash
export WORKON_HOME=~/python-envs
source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
Note that depending on distro, the virtualenvwrapper.sh path might be
.. code-block:: bash
Subsequently, you can source your .bashrc
and create a new Python3 virtual environment:
.. code-block:: bash
source .bashrc
mkvirtualenv --python=python3 python_env
To activate or "enter" the virtual env:
.. code-block:: bash
workon python_env
To deactivate virtual env:
.. code-block:: bash
docker containerThe easiest option however, is to just use the fnndsc/pfstorage
.. code-block:: bash
docker pull fnndsc/pfstorage
and then run (for example in http server mode access to the library):
.. code-block:: bash
docker run --name pfstorage -v /home:/Users --rm -ti \
fnndsc/pfstorage \
--ipSwift localhost \
--portSwift 8080 \
--forever \
--httpResponse \
or in CLI mode:
.. code-block:: bash
docker run --name pfstorage -v /home:/Users --rm -ti \
fnndsc/pfstorage \
--ipSwift localhost \
--portSwift 8080 \
--msg '
{ "action": "ls",
"meta": {
"path": "",
"retSpec": ["name", "bytes"]
For usage of pfstorage
, consult the relevant wiki pages https://github.com/FNNDSC/pfstorage/wiki/pfcon-overview`.
.. code-block:: html
--msg '<JSON_formatted>'
The action to perform. This can be one of:
* objPull -- pull data from storage to file system
* objPush -- push data from file system to storage
* ls -- listing of data within storage
with a JSON formatted string similar to:
* ls:
{ "action": "ls",
"meta": {
"path": "",
"retSpec": ["name", "bytes"]
* objPut:
{ "action": "objPut",
"meta": {
"putSpec": "./data",
"inLocation": "storage",
"mapLocationOver": "./data"
* objPull:
{ "action": "objPull",
"meta": {
"path": "chris",
"substr": "/018",
"fromLocation": "chris/uploads/DICOM",
"mapLocationOver": "./data"
[--type <storageBackendType>]
The type of object storage. Currently this is 'swift'.
[--ipSwift <swiftIP>]
The IP interface of the object storage service. Default %s.
[--portSwift <swiftPort>]
The port of the object storage service. Defaults to '8080'.
[--ipSelf <selfIP>]
The IP interface of the pfstorage service for server mode. Default %s.
[--portSelf <selfPort>]
The port of the pfstorage service for server mode. Defaults to '4055'.
In servier mode, send return strings as HTTP formatted replies
with content-type html.
[--configFileLoad <file>]
Load configuration information from the JSON formatted <file>.
[--configFileSave <file>]
Save configuration information to the JSON formatted <file>.
Provide an overview help page.
Provide a synopsis help summary.
Print internal version number and exit.
[--debugToDir <dir>]
A directory to contain various debugging output -- these are typically
JSON object strings capturing internal state. If empty string (default)
then no debugging outputs are captured/generated. If specified, then
``pfcon`` will check for dir existence and attempt to create if
[-v|--verbosity <level>]
Set the verbosity level. "0" typically means no/minimal output. Allows for
more fine tuned output control as opposed to '--quiet' that effectively
silences everything.
.. code-block:: bash
pfstorage \
--ipSwift localhost \
--portSwift 8080 \
--verbosity 1 \
--debugToDir /tmp \
--type swift \
--msg '
"action": "ls",
"meta": {
"path": "",
"retSpec": ["name", "bytes"]
start server:
.. code-block:: bash
pfstorage \
--ipSwift localhost \
--portSwift 8080 \
--ipSelf localhost \
--portSelf 4055 \
--httpResponse \
--verbosity 1 \
--debugToDir /tmp \
--type swift \
--server \
query server:
.. code-block:: bash
pfurl --verb POST --raw \
--http localhost:4055/api/v1/cmd \
--httpResponseBodyParse \
--jsonwrapper 'payload' \
--msg '
"action": "ls",
"meta": {
"path": "",
"retSpec": ["name", "bytes"]
docker pull fnndsc/pfstorage