
By fnndsc

Updated over 3 years ago

Anonymized reference MRI

Data Science
Machine Learning & AI



.. image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/mri10yr06mo01da_normal.svg :target: https://badge.fury.io/py/mri10yr06mo01da_normal

.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/FNNDSC/mri10yr06mo01da_normal.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/FNNDSC/mri10yr06mo01da_normal

.. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/python-3.5%2B-blue.svg :target: https://badge.fury.io/py/pl-mri10yr06mo01da_normal

.. contents:: Table of Contents


This application simply copies from embedded data a reference normal anonymized MRI of a subject aged 10 years, 06 months, 01 days.


.. code::

mri10yr06mo01da_normal.python                                   \
    [-v <level>] [--verbosity <level>]                          \
    [--version]                                                 \
    [--man]                                                     \
    [--meta]                                                    \
    [--dir <dir>]                                               \
    [--splash <splash>]                                         \


.. code::

[-v <level>] [--verbosity <level>]
Verbosity level for app. Not used currently.

If specified, print version number.

If specified, print this man page.

If specified, print plugin meta data.

[--splash <splash>]
An optional splash message to print on startup.

[--dir <dir>]
An optional override directory to copy to the <outputDir>.
Note, if run from a containerized version, this will copy 
a directory from the *container* file system.


This plugin can be run in two modes: natively as a python package or as a containerized docker image.

Using PyPI

To run from PyPI, simply do a 

.. code:: bash

    pip install mri10yr06mo01da_normal

and run with

.. code:: bash

    mri10yr06mo01da_normal.py --man /tmp

to get inline help. The app should also understand being called with only one positional argument

.. code:: bash

    mri10yr06mo01da_normal.py /destination/directory

Using ``docker run``

To run using docker, be sure to assign an "input" directory to /incoming and an output directory to /outgoing. Make sure that the$(pwd)/outdirectory is world writable!

Now, prefix all calls with

.. code:: bash

docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/out:/outgoing                             \
        fnndsc/pl-mri10yr06mo01da_normal mri10yr06mo01da_normal.py                        \

Thus, getting inline help is:

.. code:: bash

mkdir out && chmod 777 out
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/in:/incoming -v $(pwd)/out:/outgoing      \
        fnndsc/pl-mri10yr06mo01da_normal mri10yr06mo01da_normal.py  \
        --man                                                       \


Copy the embedded MRI data to the out directory

.. code:: bash

    mkdir out && chmod 777 out
    docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/out:/outgoing                             \
            fnndsc/pl-mri10yr06mo01da_normal mri10yr06mo01da_normal.py  \

Copy a user specified directory to the ``out`` directory

.. code:: bash

mkdir out && chmod 777 out
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/out:/outgoing                             \
        fnndsc/pl-mri10yr06mo01da_normal mri10yr06mo01da_normal.py  \
        --dir /usr/src/data

Docker Pull Command

docker pull fnndsc/pl-mri10yr06mo01da_normal