
By fsouza

Updated 6 days ago

Builds a docker image that proxies SSL calls to another docker.




Builds a basic nginx server that proxies incoming SSL calls to a target host (usually another Docker container).

Environment variables

The following environment variables configure nginx:

  • DOMAIN: domain in the SSL certificate (default value: www.example.com)
  • TARGET_PORT: target port for the reverse proxy (default value: 80)
  • TARGET_HOST: target host for the reverse proxy (default value: proxyapp)
  • CLIENT_MAX_BODY_SIZE: maximum size of client uploads (default value: 20M)
  • SSL_PORT: port ngnix SSL proxy listens on

Certificates and CA location

The SSL certificate is generated using a own-ROOT-ca that is available in the directory /etc/nginx/ca, you may use Docker volumes to share the CAs with other containers, so they can trust the installed certificate.

Using own Certificate

You can use existing SSL certificates for your DOMAIN by connecting an volume onto /etc/nginx/certs with following files inside:

  • key.pem: private key file
  • cert.pem: certificate file

The certificate generator will check on existing key.pem and abort.

Docker Hub Image

You can get the publicly available docker image at the following location: docker-ssl-proxy.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull fsouza/docker-ssl-proxy