
By functionaltesting

Updated over 1 year ago

UFT One Runtime Engine lightweight image for API tests



Run UFT One API tests on a Linux Docker Image (Tech preview)


The UFT One Runtime Engine lightweight image for API tests is a Docker image you can use to run UFT One API tests, without installing the full UFT One product on each testing machine. The Docker image is built based on Linux and .NET 6 and requires only a valid UFT One license.


To use this Docker installation, you must have:

  • Docker installed on your computer so you can run Docker commands
  • UFT One API tests prepared in advance
  • The URL of a concurrent license server with available licenses

Pull docker image

Open the command windows and run the following command to pull the latest image of uft_one_for_api_tests.

Docker pull functionaltesting/uft_one_for_api_tests:latest

Run a UFT API test in the container

Running a UFT One API test requires a concurrent license.Run the following command to install a UFT One license and run API tests:

docker run -it -v <host-test-directory>:<container-test-directory> functionaltesting/uft_one_for_api_tests[:tag] -test <container-test-directory> -reportPath <report-directory-path> -licenseServer <License_server_ip>:<port>


  • host-test-directory: The full path to the API test on the host computer. This directory is mounted to the container test directory.
  • container-test-directory: Location on your Docker container.
    • Example: C:\DockerProject\tests\apitest, where C:\DockerProject\tests is the local directory you created for your tests, and apitest is the name of the test you stored there.
    • Note: The test-name part of this path is case sensitive.
  • report-directory-path (Optional): The path to the directory in which to store the test results. Provide a relative path, relative to the Container-test-directory. By default, the results are saved under the test folder, overwriting the results of any previous runs.


The current release is a technical preview version, supporting the following activities:

  • Math
  • String
  • Flow
  • System variables
  • JSON
  • Data/Time
  • HTTP
  • SOAP
  • REST
  • Miscellaneous operations

The following activities are not yet supported on this image:

  • XML
  • FTP
  • Java
  • CoAP
  • DataBase
  • JMS
  • File
  • WebSocket
  • MQTT
  • SAP
  • IBM WebSphere MQ
  • Calling external GUI and API tests

For more details, see the UFT Help Center.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull functionaltesting/uft_one_for_api_tests