
By gesellix

Updated about 7 years ago

An Ansible image based on Alpine Linux




An Ansible Docker image based on Alpine Linux.

Selecting an Ansible version

The Ansible development snapshot is available as latest via:

docker pull gesellix/ansible:latest

You should choose an explicit tag to select your desired version. Available are e.g.:

docker pull gesellix/ansible:1.9.4
docker pull gesellix/ansible:

The complete and up to date list of available tags can be found on the Docker Hub.

Note: The image for Ansible 1.9.4 is based on Ubuntu instead of Alpine and it contains a patched Docker module which essentially applies the changes from ansible-modules-core#2258.


You can use the Ansible image in your Dockerfile:

FROM gesellix/ansible:

ADD . /ansible
WORKDIR /ansible

CMD ["ansible", "--version"]

The example Dockerfile assumes that your Ansible roles and playbooks are in the same directory.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull gesellix/ansible