
By getfeedback

Updated over 7 years ago

A custom Ruby 2.3.3 Docker image that includes all the tools needed to run our tests on CircleCI



CircleCI Ruby Docker Image

A custom Ruby 2.3.3 Docker image that includes all the tools needed to run our tests on CircleCI

  • Ruby 2.3.3
  • Yarn 0.27.5
  • Bower 1.8.0
  • NodeJS 6.x
  • PhantomJS 2.1.1
  • BrowserStackLocal (Binary used to tunnel into BrowserStack to run integration tests on multiple browsers)
Building/Tagging new image

Note: You need to run $ docker login locally and use the "Docker - GetFeedback" login credentials in the 1Password Engineering vault

Docker Pull Command

docker pull getfeedback/circleci-ruby