Tahoe-LAFS + I2P + Docker = <3
Tahoe-LAFS with I2P support.
docker build -t geti2p/tahoe-lafs .
When you run, please make sure that you have enabled SAM in I2P.
The following commands will set up the configs, and download a bunch of I2P introducers.
$ cd somedir
$ docker run --net="host" -v $(pwd):/root/.tahoe/:rw geti2p/tahoe-lafs tahoe create-node --nickname=idonteditconfigs --hide-ip --introducer=pb://exupps5kk3amc5iq4q6f5ahggkm4s5fl@i2p:oj7cffq5fnk46iw3i3h2sdgncxrqbxm7wh6i4h2cbpmqsydygkcq.b32.i2p/introducer --listen=i2p --i2p-sam-port=tcp:
$ wget -O ./private/introducers.yaml
Note that this runs in host mode. This isn't generally needed, but it makes it easier for most users.
$ docker run geti2p/tahoe-lafs:latest -p 3456:3456 -v $(pwd):/root/.tahoe:rw --net="host"
docker pull geti2p/tahoe-lafs