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By gh61

Updated 3 months ago

UNOFFICIAL Windows container Docker image for JetBrains YouTrack

Content Management System
Integration & Delivery


This is UNOFFICIAL Windows container Docker image for JetBrains YouTrack. This package contains all the necessary components for running YouTrack in a Docker container hosted in your server environment or internal infrastructure.

How to Use This Image

Pull the TeamCity image from the Docker Hub Repository:

docker pull gh61/youtrack-windows

and use the following command to start a container with Youtrack server running inside on a Windows container:

docker run --name youtrack-server-instance
    -v <path-to-config-directory>:C:/Youtrack/conf
    -v <path-to-data-directory>:C:/Youtrack/data
    -v <path-to-backups-directory>:C:/Youtrack/backups
    -v <path-to-logs-directory>:C:/Youtrack/logs
    -v <path-to-temp-directory>:C:/Youtrack/temp
    -p <port-on-host>:80

Docker Pull Command

docker pull gh61/youtrack-windows