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By gittools

Updated about 8 hours ago

Helper docker images used for testing GitVersion tool with different distro and architectures

Languages & Frameworks
Integration & Delivery


Helper docker images used for testing GitVersion tool with different distro and architectures.

These images contain the distro base image with the dotnet specific dependencies.

It serves as base images for gittools/build-images.

Source code for the images can be found at build-images


Most of the tags we provide have both arm64 and amd64 variants.

docker run --rm gittools/deps:alpine.3.20

If you need to pull a architecture specific tag you can do that like:

# architecture specific
docker run --rm gittools/deps:alpine.3.20-arm64
docker run --rm gittools/deps:alpine.3.20-amd64

Docker Pull Command

docker pull gittools/deps