
By giuffrelab

Updated about 1 month ago

AWX-Operator Execution Environment containing multiple Galaxy collections not in the standard EE.

API Management
Operating Systems


Ansible AWX-Operator Community General Execution Environment

This is a repo to build an Ansible Execution Environment that can communicate with hosts using the community.general collection.

it will work for all of the community.general collection modules, however it only contains the following python libraries

#40 0.656 Package                                 Version
#40 0.656 --------------------------------------- --------------
#40 0.656 adal                                    1.2.7
#40 0.656 aiohappyeyeballs                        2.4.4
#40 0.657 aiohttp                                 3.11.11
#40 0.657 aiosignal                               1.3.2
#40 0.657 ansible                                 8.7.0
#40 0.657 ansible-core                            2.15.13
#40 0.657 ansible-pylibssh                        1.2.2
#40 0.657 ansible-runner                          2.4.0
#40 0.657 anyio                                   4.8.0
#40 0.658 applicationinsights                     0.11.10
#40 0.658 argcomplete                             3.3.0
#40 0.658 arrow                                   1.3.0
#40 0.658 asn1crypto                              1.5.1
#40 0.658 async-timeout                           5.0.1
#40 0.658 attrs                                   25.1.0
#40 0.658 awxkit                                  24.6.1
#40 0.659 axonius-api-client                      5.0.19
#40 0.659 azure-cli-core                          2.64.0
#40 0.659 azure-cli-telemetry                     1.1.0
#40 0.659 azure-common                            1.1.28
#40 0.659 azure-containerregistry                 1.2.0
#40 0.659 azure-core                              1.31.0
#40 0.659 azure-identity                          1.19.0
#40 0.659 azure-iot-hub                           2.6.1
#40 0.660 azure-keyvault                          4.2.0
#40 0.660 azure-keyvault-certificates             4.9.0
#40 0.660 azure-keyvault-keys                     4.10.0
#40 0.660 azure-keyvault-secrets                  4.9.0
#40 0.660 azure-mgmt-apimanagement                4.0.1
#40 0.660 azure-mgmt-authorization                4.0.0
#40 0.660 azure-mgmt-automation                   1.1.0b4
#40 0.660 azure-mgmt-batch                        17.3.0
#40 0.660 azure-mgmt-cdn                          13.1.1
#40 0.661 azure-mgmt-compute                      33.0.0
#40 0.661 azure-mgmt-containerinstance            10.1.0
#40 0.661 azure-mgmt-containerregistry            10.3.0
#40 0.661 azure-mgmt-containerservice             32.1.0
#40 0.661 azure-mgmt-core                         1.4.0
#40 0.661 azure-mgmt-cosmosdb                     10.0.0b3
#40 0.661 azure-mgmt-datafactory                  9.0.0
#40 0.661 azure-mgmt-devtestlabs                  10.0.0b2
#40 0.662 azure-mgmt-dns                          8.1.0
#40 0.662 azure-mgmt-eventhub                     11.1.0
#40 0.662 azure-mgmt-hdinsight                    9.1.0b1
#40 0.662 azure-mgmt-iothub                       3.0.0
#40 0.662 azure-mgmt-keyvault                     10.3.1
#40 0.662 azure-mgmt-loganalytics                 13.0.0b7
#40 0.662 azure-mgmt-managedservices              7.0.0b2
#40 0.662 azure-mgmt-managementgroups             1.1.0b2
#40 0.663 azure-mgmt-marketplaceordering          1.2.0b2
#40 0.663 azure-mgmt-monitor                      6.0.2
#40 0.663 azure-mgmt-network                      28.0.0
#40 0.663 azure-mgmt-notificationhubs             8.1.0b1
#40 0.663 azure-mgmt-nspkg                        3.0.2
#40 0.663 azure-mgmt-privatedns                   1.1.0
#40 0.663 azure-mgmt-rdbms                        10.2.0b17
#40 0.663 azure-mgmt-recoveryservices             3.0.0
#40 0.664 azure-mgmt-recoveryservicesbackup       9.1.0
#40 0.664 azure-mgmt-redis                        14.4.0
#40 0.664 azure-mgmt-resource                     23.2.0
#40 0.664 azure-mgmt-search                       9.2.0b2
#40 0.664 azure-mgmt-servicebus                   8.2.1
#40 0.664 azure-mgmt-sql                          4.0.0b19
#40 0.664 azure-mgmt-storage                      21.2.1
#40 0.665 azure-mgmt-trafficmanager               1.1.0
#40 0.665 azure-mgmt-web                          7.3.1
#40 0.665 azure-nspkg                             3.0.2
#40 0.665 azure-storage-blob                      12.23.0b1
#40 0.665 backoff                                 2.2.1
#40 0.665 bcrypt                                  4.2.1
#40 0.665 bson                                    0.5.10
#40 0.665 cachetools                              5.5.1
#40 0.665 certifi                                 2024.12.14
#40 0.666 cffi                                    1.17.1
#40 0.666 charset-normalizer                      3.4.1
#40 0.666 click                                   8.1.8
#40 0.666 colorama                                0.4.6
#40 0.666 configparser                            7.1.0
#40 0.666 cryptography                            44.0.0
#40 0.666 dataclasses-json                        0.6.7
#40 0.666 dbus-python                             1.2.18
#40 0.667 defusedxml                              0.7.1
#40 0.667 Deprecated                              1.2.18
#40 0.667 distro                                  1.9.0
#40 0.667 dnspython                               2.7.0
#40 0.667 docker                                  7.1.0
#40 0.667 dpapi-ng                                0.2.0
#40 0.667 dumb-init                               1.2.5
#40 0.667 durationpy                              0.9
#40 0.668 exceptiongroup                          1.2.2
#40 0.668 frozenlist                              1.5.0
#40 0.668 future                                  1.0.0
#40 0.668 fuzzyfinder                             2.2.0
#40 0.668 google-auth                             2.38.0
#40 0.668 gpg                                     1.15.1
#40 0.668 gql                                     3.5.0
#40 0.669 graphql-core                            3.2.6
#40 0.669 grpcio                                  1.70.0
#40 0.669 h11                                     0.14.0
#40 0.669 h2                                      4.1.0
#40 0.669 hpack                                   4.1.0
#40 0.669 httpcore                                1.0.7
#40 0.669 httpx                                   0.28.1
#40 0.669 humanfriendly                           10.0
#40 0.670 hyperframe                              6.1.0
#40 0.670 icdiff                                  1.9.1
#40 0.670 idna                                    3.10
#40 0.670 importlib-metadata                      6.2.1
#40 0.670 importlib-resources                     5.0.7
#40 0.670 isodate                                 0.7.2
#40 0.670 Jinja2                                  3.1.5
#40 0.670 jmespath                                1.0.1
#40 0.671 jsnapy                                  1.3.8
#40 0.671 jsonpatch                               1.33
#40 0.671 jsonpointer                             3.0.0
#40 0.671 jsonschema                              4.23.0
#40 0.671 jsonschema-specifications               2024.10.1
#40 0.671 junos-eznc                              2.7.2
#40 0.671 jxmlease                                1.0.3
#40 0.671 knack                                   0.11.0
#40 0.671 krb5                                    0.7.0
#40 0.672 kubernetes                              32.0.0
#40 0.672 libcomps                                0.1.18
#40 0.672 lockfile                                0.12.2
#40 0.672 looseversion                            1.3.0
#40 0.672 lxml                                    4.6.5
#40 0.672 markdown-it-py                          3.0.0
#40 0.672 MarkupSafe                              3.0.2
#40 0.672 marshmallow                             3.23.0
#40 0.673 marshmallow-jsonapi                     0.24.0
#40 0.673 mdurl                                   0.1.2
#40 0.673 microsoft-kiota-abstractions            1.9.1
#40 0.673 microsoft-kiota-authentication-azure    1.9.1
#40 0.673 microsoft-kiota-http                    1.9.1
#40 0.673 microsoft-kiota-serialization-form      1.9.1
#40 0.673 microsoft-kiota-serialization-json      1.9.1
#40 0.674 microsoft-kiota-serialization-multipart 1.9.1
#40 0.674 microsoft-kiota-serialization-text      1.9.1
#40 0.674 msal                                    1.30.0
#40 0.674 msal-extensions                         1.2.0
#40 0.674 msgraph-core                            1.2.0
#40 0.674 msgraph-sdk                             1.6.0
#40 0.674 msrest                                  0.7.1
#40 0.674 msrestazure                             0.6.4.post1
#40 0.674 multidict                               6.1.0
#40 0.674 mypy-extensions                         1.0.0
#40 0.675 napalm                                  5.0.0
#40 0.675 ncclient                                0.6.15
#40 0.675 netaddr                                 1.3.0
#40 0.675 netmiko                                 4.5.0
#40 0.675 netutils                                1.12.0
#40 0.675 ntc_templates                           7.6.0
#40 0.675 numpy                                   2.0.2
#40 0.675 oauthlib                                3.2.2
#40 0.675 opentelemetry-api                       1.29.0
#40 0.676 opentelemetry-sdk                       1.29.0
#40 0.676 opentelemetry-semantic-conventions      0.50b0
#40 0.676 packaging                               24.2
#40 0.676 pandas                                  2.2.3
#40 0.676 paramiko                                3.5.0
#40 0.676 pexpect                                 4.9.0
#40 0.676 pip                                     25.0
#40 0.676 pkginfo                                 1.12.0
#40 0.677 ply                                     3.11
#40 0.677 portalocker                             2.10.1
#40 0.677 propcache                               0.2.1
#40 0.677 protobuf                                5.29.3
#40 0.677 proxmoxer                               2.2.0
#40 0.677 psutil                                  6.1.1
#40 0.677 ptyprocess                              0.7.0
#40 0.677 pyasn1                                  0.6.1
#40 0.677 pyasn1_modules                          0.4.1
#40 0.678 pycparser                               2.22
#40 0.678 pyeapi                                  1.0.4
#40 0.678 pyez                                    0.1.1
#40 0.678 Pygments                                2.19.1
#40 0.678 PyJWT                                   2.10.1
#40 0.678 PyNaCl                                  1.5.0
#40 0.678 pyOpenSSL                               25.0.0
#40 0.678 pyparsing                               3.2.1
#40 0.678 pyserial                                3.5
#40 0.678 PySocks                                 1.7.1
#40 0.679 pyspnego                                0.11.2
#40 0.679 pyTenable                               1.6.0
#40 0.679 python-box                              7.3.2
#40 0.679 python-daemon                           3.1.2
#40 0.679 python-dateutil                         2.9.0.post0
#40 0.679 python-dotenv                           1.0.1
#40 0.679 pytz                                    2024.2
#40 0.679 pywinrm                                 0.5.0
#40 0.679 PyYAML                                  6.0.2
#40 0.680 referencing                             0.36.2
#40 0.680 requests                                2.32.3
#40 0.680 requests_ntlm                           1.3.0
#40 0.680 requests-oauthlib                       2.0.0
#40 0.680 requests-toolbelt                       1.0.0
#40 0.680 resolvelib                              1.0.1
#40 0.680 restfly                                 1.5.1
#40 0.680 rich                                    13.9.4
#40 0.680 rpds-py                                 0.22.3
#40 0.681 rpm                           
#40 0.681 rsa                                     4.9
#40 0.681 ruamel.yaml                             0.18.10
#40 0.681 ruamel.yaml.clib                        0.2.12
#40 0.681 sansldap                                0.1.0
#40 0.681 scp                                     0.15.0
#40 0.681 semver                                  3.0.4
#40 0.681 setuptools                              53.0.0
#40 0.681 six                                     1.15.0
#40 0.682 sniffio                                 1.3.1
#40 0.682 std-uritemplate                         2.0.1
#40 0.682 systemd-python                          234
#40 0.682 tabulate                                0.9.0
#40 0.682 textfsm                                 1.1.3
#40 0.682 transitions                             0.9.2
#40 0.682 ttp                                     0.9.5
#40 0.682 ttp-templates                           0.3.7
#40 0.682 types-python-dateutil         
#40 0.683 typing_extensions                       4.12.2
#40 0.683 typing-inspect                          0.9.0
#40 0.683 tzdata                                  2025.1
#40 0.683 uamqp                                   1.6.11
#40 0.683 urllib3                                 1.26.20
#40 0.683 websocket-client                        1.8.0
#40 0.683 wrapt                                   1.17.2
#40 0.683 XlsxWriter                              3.2.2
#40 0.683 xmltodict                               0.14.2
#40 0.684 yamlordereddictloader                   0.4.2
#40 0.684 yarl                                    1.18.3
#40 0.684 zipp                                    3.21.0

The version of Ansible installed is

#41 0.608 ansible [core 2.15.13]

This also contains the following ansible-galaxy collections:

#42 0.686 Collection                               Version
#42 0.686 ---------------------------------------- -------
#42 0.686                               6.5.0
#42 0.686 ansible.netcommon                        5.3.0
#42 0.686 ansible.posix                            1.5.4
#42 0.686 ansible.utils                            2.12.0
#42 0.686                          1.14.0
#42 0.686 arista.eos                               6.2.2
#42 0.686 awx.awx                                  22.7.0
#42 0.686 azure.azcollection                       1.19.0
#42 0.686 check_point.mgmt                         5.1.1
#42 0.686 chocolatey.chocolatey                    1.5.1
#42 0.686 cisco.aci                                2.8.0
#42 0.686 cisco.asa                                4.0.3
#42 0.686 cisco.dnac                               6.9.0
#42 0.686 cisco.intersight                         1.0.27
#42 0.686 cisco.ios                                4.6.1
#42 0.686 cisco.iosxr                              5.0.3
#42 0.686 cisco.ise                                2.6.2
#42 0.686 cisco.meraki                             2.17.0
#42 0.686 cisco.mso                                2.5.0
#42 0.686 cisco.nso                                1.0.3
#42 0.686 cisco.nxos                               4.4.0
#42 0.686 cisco.ucs                                1.10.0
#42 0.686 cloud.common                             2.1.4
#42 0.686                      2.3.1
#42 0.686                            6.4.0
#42 0.686                          2.0.0
#42 0.686 community.ciscosmb                       1.0.7
#42 0.686 community.crypto                         2.16.1
#42 0.686 community.digitalocean                   1.24.0
#42 0.686 community.dns                            2.6.4
#42 0.686 community.docker                         3.4.11
#42 0.686 community.fortios                        1.0.0
#42 0.686 community.general                        7.5.2
#42 0.686                         1.0.0
#42 0.686 community.grafana                        1.6.1
#42 0.686 community.hashi_vault                    5.0.1
#42 0.686 community.hrobot                         1.8.2
#42 0.686 community.libvirt                        1.3.0
#42 0.686 community.mongodb                        1.6.3
#42 0.686 community.mysql                          3.8.0
#42 0.686                        5.0.2
#42 0.686 community.okd                            2.3.0
#42 0.686 community.postgresql                     2.4.3
#42 0.686 community.proxysql                       1.5.1
#42 0.686 community.rabbitmq                       1.2.3
#42 0.686 community.routeros                       2.11.0
#42 0.686                            1.0.0
#42 0.686 community.sap_libs                       1.4.1
#42 0.686 community.skydive                        1.0.0
#42 0.686 community.sops                           1.6.7
#42 0.686 community.vmware                         3.11.1
#42 0.686                        1.13.0
#42 0.686 community.zabbix                         2.2.0
#42 0.686 containers.podman                        1.11.0
#42 0.686 cyberark.conjur                          1.2.2
#42 0.686 cyberark.pas                             1.0.23
#42 0.686 dellemc.enterprise_sonic                 2.2.0
#42 0.686 dellemc.openmanage                       7.6.1
#42 0.686 dellemc.powerflex                        1.9.0
#42 0.686 dellemc.unity                            1.7.1
#42 0.686 f5networks.f5_modules                    1.27.1
#42 0.686 fortinet.fortimanager                    2.3.0
#42 0.686 fortinet.fortios                         2.3.4
#42 0.686 frr.frr                                  2.0.2
#42 0.686 gluster.gluster                          1.0.2
#42 0.686                             1.3.0
#42 0.686 grafana.grafana                          2.2.3
#42 0.686 hetzner.hcloud                           1.16.0
#42 0.686 hpe.nimble                               1.1.4
#42 0.686 ibm.qradar                               2.1.0
#42 0.686 ibm.spectrum_virtualize                  1.12.0
#42 0.686 ibm.storage_virtualize                   2.1.0
#42 0.686 infinidat.infinibox                      1.3.12
#42 0.686 infoblox.nios_modules                    1.5.0
#42 0.686 inspur.ispim                             1.3.0
#42 0.686                                2.3.0
#42 0.686 junipernetworks.junos                    5.3.1
#42 0.686 kubernetes.core                          2.4.0
#42 0.686 lowlydba.sqlserver                       2.2.2
#42 0.686                             1.4.1
#42 0.686                               21.7.1
#42 0.686                             21.10.1
#42 0.686 netapp.cloudmanager                      21.22.1
#42 0.686 netapp.elementsw                         21.7.0
#42 0.686 netapp.ontap                             22.8.3
#42 0.686 netapp.storagegrid                       21.11.1
#42 0.686 netapp.um_info                           21.8.1
#42 0.686 netapp_eseries.santricity                1.4.0
#42 0.686 netbox.netbox                            3.15.0
#42 0.686 ngine_io.cloudstack                      2.3.0
#42 0.686 ngine_io.exoscale                        1.1.0
#42 0.686 ngine_io.vultr                           1.1.3
#42 0.686                          2.2.0
#42 0.686 openvswitch.openvswitch                  2.1.1
#42 0.686 ovirt.ovirt                              3.2.0
#42 0.686 purestorage.flasharray                   1.24.0
#42 0.686 purestorage.flashblade                   1.14.0
#42 0.686 purestorage.fusion                       1.6.0
#42 0.686 sensu.sensu_go                           1.14.0
#42 0.686 servicenow.servicenow                    1.0.6
#42 0.686                                2.1.2
#42 0.686 t_systems_mms.icinga_director            1.33.1
#42 0.686 telekom_mms.icinga_director              1.35.0
#42 0.686 theforeman.foreman                       3.15.0
#42 0.686 vmware.vmware_rest                       2.3.1
#42 0.686                              1.11.0
#42 0.686 vyos.vyos                                4.1.0
#42 0.686 wti.remote                               1.0.5
#42 0.686
#42 0.686 # /usr/share/ansible/collections/ansible_collections
#42 0.686 Collection                               Version
#42 0.686 ---------------------------------------- -------
#42 0.686 ansible.netcommon                        7.1.0
#42 0.686 ansible.posix                            2.0.0
#42 0.686 ansible.utils                            5.1.2
#42 0.686                          2.7.0
#42 0.686 awx.awx                                  24.6.1
#42 0.686 azure.azcollection                       3.1.0
#42 0.686 community.docker                         4.3.1
#42 0.686 community.general                        10.3.0
#42 0.686 community.library_inventory_filtering_v1 1.0.2
#42 0.686 containers.podman                        1.16.2
#42 0.686 fedora.linux_system_roles                1.94.2
#42 0.686 juniper.device                           1.0.7
#42 0.686 junipernetworks.junos                    9.1.0
#42 0.686 kubernetes.core                          5.1.0
#42 0.686                             1.8.0
#42 0.686 microsoft.sql                            2.5.2

Add the new Execution Environment

Under Administration and Execution Environments

  • Select Add
  • Fill out the name field
  • Under Pull select Always Pull
  • Under image put giuffrelab/awx-community-general-ee:tagname
  • Save

Docker Pull Command

docker pull giuffrelab/awx-community-general-ee