
By gmod

Updated about 4 years ago




DOIJava CI with GradleLicenseContributor Covenant

 Download the latest release

A collaborative, real-time, genome annotation editor. The stack is a Java web application / database backend and a Javascript client that runs in a web browser as a JBrowse plugin.

Cite Apollo using Dunn NA, Unni DR, Diesh C, Munoz-Torres M, Harris NL, Yao E, et al. (2019) Apollo: Democratizing genome annotation. PLoS Comput Biol 15(2): e1006790.

Questions / Comments / Community contact can be sent to our Apollo user mailing list or posted directory to our google group. Old questions are archived on Nabble.

Complete Apollo installation and configuration instructions are available from the Apollo documentation pages

The Apollo client is implemented as a plugin for JBrowse. Additional JBrowse plugins may be found in the JBrowse registry and configured in apollo-config.groovy.

We provide a Demonstration Apollo site and an integrated service is provided by UseGalaxy Europe.

The User's Guide provides guidance on how to use it. Please feel free to update this documentation.

Launch for development (server only)
./grailsw run-app 


./gradlew bootRun 
Run tests
./grailsw test-app


./gradlew test
Run with Docker
 docker build . 
 docker run -it --publish=8888:8080 --publish=7777:7474 <built image>

For pre-built:

 docker run -it --publish=8888:8080 --publish=7777:7474 gmod/apollo3server:latest

Connect at http://localhost:8888/ . . . eg. http://localhost:8888/user/loadUsers

You'll need to kill the docker instance here, for the moment.

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YourKit supports open source projects with innovative and intelligent tools for monitoring and profiling Java and .NET applications. YourKit is the creator of YourKit Java Profiler, YourKit .NET Profiler, and YourKit YouMonitor.


Under development . . more details to come.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull gmod/apollo3server