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By gnaudio

Updated 19 days ago

Jabra Xpress Database Tools



What is Jabra Xpress

Jabra Xpress is a software solution designed for IT professionals to remotely manage Jabra products with a set of smart tools. For more info visit https://jabra.com/xpress. Jabra Xpress can be used either as a cloud service, visit and register at the Jabra hosted instance on https://xpress.jabra.com, or as a self-hosted service using docker. The full Jabra Xpress solution is available as docker images, and can be set up in any environment, where docker can run.

The Complete Jabra Xpress Setup

A complete Jabra Xpress setup contains these images:

Visit any of the above images to learn more.

Database Migration

With this tool it is possible to run database migrations against a self hosted Xpress setup. You need to run the tool in certain scenarios.

  1. Run it with the first deployment of Xpress. This will create the database scheme.
  2. Run it when upgrading an existing Xpress hosting. This will update the database scheme.

It is a good idea to run the database tool every time you upgrade your existing Xpress deployment. Use the (-check) option when running the tool, to check for any pending migrations. See in the Running the Migration section.


Before running the tool, make sure that:

  • an SQL database is setup on running.
  • the SQL database has the needed database catalog created. eg. create a new database called xpress.
  • the SQL database has a user with Full admin rights. The user should be able to do modifications including create and delete tables in the database.
  • docker is installed on the machine that should perform the later migration step

Version Differences

From version v4.12.19474 and above the database tool accepts arguments (see Running the Migration)

From version v4.0.15121 and below, arguments cannot be used. Run instead the tool without the extra argument, which will launch into the interactive mode (see Interactive Mode)

Running the Migration

The database console tool is run with this docker command, with ¤CONNSTRING¤ and ¤VERSION¤ replaced with the sql connectionstring and gnaudio/jabra-xpress-databaseconsoletool tag, respectively:

$ docker run -e MSSQLServerConnectionString="¤CONNSTRING¤" -it gnaudio/jabra-xpress-databaseconsoletool:¤VERSION¤ -ARGUMENT

The following arguments are available for -ARGUMENT

-checkUsed to check the overall database status
-migrateUsed to create the database or update the database schema of an exiting database
-seedUsed to initially seed the database with some test data
-interactiveUsed to run the tool in interactive mode (see below)

Interactive Mode


$ docker run -e MSSQLServerConnectionString="¤CONNSTRING¤" -it gnaudio/jabra-xpress-databaseconsoletool:¤VERSION¤ -interactive

If successfully run, the tool will provide 4 options:

Enter 1 to check the overall database status - if an error is shown the database is not up to date
Enter 2 to create the database or update the database schema
Enter 3 to seed the database - only do this once - if the database is not empty this will fail
Enter 0 to exit

It is good practice to always run option 1 (One) when doing a migration. This will provide information if the database is up to date or if it indeed need to be migrated.

If the database is missing a migration, you can run option 2 (Two), which will update the database with the necessary components.

If the tool returns a Done and does not return any errors, type in 0, (Zero) to exit the tool.


The most common problem you can occur is connection problems. The tool will start without any errors, since it will not validate your connectionstring before you run any of the options. An error message will be written to the output after selecting one of the options and a prober connection could not be established. Please follow the error message to determine the problem and the correct actions.

Some steps to check:

  • Check your connection string for correct information.
  • Connection can be established and that firewalls or IP filters are not blocking connection
  • Check that the SQL user has the correct rights to perform the necessary database modifications.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull gnaudio/jabra-xpress-databaseconsoletool