
By goenning

Updated about 6 years ago

Measure the performance of a webpage by collecting multiple metrics from a real browser




goenning/webpage-timing is a docker image that collects performance metrics from a webpage using a real browser.

how to use it

$ docker run goenning/webpage-timing

The command above will load https://example.org/ inside a container and print out a timing object in json format.

The following parameters are available as environment variables:

NameDefault ValueComments
ORIGINos.hostname()Sets a origin property on the timing object. Useful to specify from where the container is being executed.
REQUEST_URLhttps://example.org/Specify which page to load
MONGO_URLIf specified, the timing object will be stored on given MongoDB instance

run it on the cloud

Read Measuring the performance of a website from multiple locations on a budget to learn how to use this image to collect metrics from locations all around the world.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull goenning/webpage-timing