
Verified Publisher

By Google

Updated about 3 years ago

Discontinued: please use the "dart" Docker Official Image.



NOTE: This image is discontinued.

Please consider using the new Docker Official Images for Dart:


google/dart is a docker base image that bundles the latest version of the Dart SDK installed from

It serves as a base for the google/dart-runtime image.


If you have an application directory with a pubspec.yaml file and the main aplication entry point in main.dart you can create a Dockerfile in the application directory with the following content:

FROM google/dart


ADD pubspec.* /app/
RUN pub get
ADD . /app
RUN pub get --offline

CMD []
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/dart", "main.dart"]

See below for the reason for running pub get twice.

To build a docker image tagged with my/app run:

docker build -t my/app .

To run this image in a container:

docker run -i -t my/app

However, if you application directory has a layout like this and potentially is exposing a server at port 8080 you should consider using the base image google/dart-runtime instead.

Why run pub get twice

When a Docker image is build, symbolic links are not followed. This means that when the package directory is added it will contain sym-links to the host cache. These sym-links will be broken.

The steps in the Dockerfile above will do the following:

  • Populate a pub cache in the image at /var/cache/pub based on the application pubspec.yaml file.
  • Add the application files including the package directory with broken sym-links.
  • Run pub get again to fix the sym-links in the package directory to the image cache.

The reason for populating the pub cache in the image before adding all application files is to keep the docker diff when only changing application files small.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull google/dart