Keep Jellyfin and Plex watched states insync.
Sync watched between jellyfin and plex
Keep in sync all your users watched history between jellyfin and plex servers locally. This uses the imdb ids and any other matching id to find the correct episode/movie between the two. This is not perfect but it works for most cases. You can use this for as many servers as you want by enterying multiple options in the .env plex/jellyfin section seperated by commas.
Setup virtualenv of your choice
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a .env file similar to .env.sample, uncomment whitelist and blacklist if needed, fill in baseurls and tokens
Build docker image
docker build -t jellyplex-watched .
or use pre-built image
docker pull luigi311/jellyplex-watched:latest
With variables
docker run --rm -it -e PLEX_TOKEN='SuperSecretToken' luigi311/jellyplex-watched:latest
With .env
Create a .env file similar to .env.sample and set the variables to match your setup
docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd)/.env:/app/.env" luigi311/jellyplex-watched:latest
I am open to recieving pull requests. If you are submitting a pull request, please make sure run it locally for a day or two to make sure it is working as expected and stable. Make all pull requests against the dev branch and nothing will be merged into the main without going through the lower branches.
This is currently under the GNU General Public License v3.0.
docker pull gyarbij/jellex