
By gyarbij

Updated 3 months ago

About Plex+Playlist=Plexist, An application for recreating Spotify and Deezer playlist in Plex.

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Plex+Playlist=Plexist, is a tool that synchronizes playlists between Plex, Spotify, and Deezer. It manages playlists, tracks, and metadata, allowing for seamless integration between these platforms. This README provides instructions on setting up Plexist using Docker and Docker Compose, detailing the environment variables and usage. (because Plex music playlist are a croc of tihs)


  • Sync playlists between Plex, Spotify, and Deezer.
  • Write missing tracks to CSV files.
  • Add custom playlist posters and descriptions.
  • Append tracks to existing playlists or sync them.
  • Control synchronization and export settings using intuitive Yes/No environment variables.

What it does:

  • Recreates your streaming playlist within Plex, using files you already have in your library.
  • Keeps created playlist in sync with the streaming service.
  • Creates new playlist in Plex when they're added to your streaming service.

What it will NOT do:

  • Steal Shit!

User Requirements

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • Plex server with API access
  • Spotify and Deezer API credentials

Getting Started

1. One-time run installation steps

Clone this repository to your local machine:

git clone
cd Plexist
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

The will only run once unless you create a cronjob, etc. Docker is the recommended deployment method.

2. Docker Compose Setup

Environment Variables

  • PLEX_URL: The URL of your Plex server.
  • PLEX_TOKEN: Your Plex API token.
  • WRITE_MISSING_AS_CSV: Set to Yes to export missing tracks to CSV; No otherwise.
  • ADD_PLAYLIST_POSTER: Set to Yes to add posters to playlists; No otherwise.
  • ADD_PLAYLIST_DESCRIPTION: Set to Yes to add descriptions to playlists; No otherwise.
  • APPEND_INSTEAD_OF_SYNC: Set to Yes to append tracks to playlists instead of syncing; No to sync.
  • SECONDS_TO_WAIT: Time in seconds between synchronization cycles.
  • SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID: Your Spotify API client ID.
  • SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET: Your Spotify API client secret.
  • SPOTIFY_USER_ID: Your Spotify user ID.
  • DEEZER_USER_ID: Your Deezer user ID.
  • DEEZER_PLAYLIST_ID: Deezer playlist ID or URL.
  • DB_PATH: Path to the SQLite database file (default: /app/data/plexist.db).
  • CSV_PATH: Path where CSV files will be stored (default: /app/data).
  • Map a local directory to /app/data in the container to ensure persistent storage of the database and CSV files:
    volumes:  - ./plexist_data:/data

Update the compose.yaml with your specific configurations, including API tokens and paths. A template is Here: compose.yaml

version: '3.8'

    container_name: plexist
    image: gyarbij/plexist:latest
      - PLEX_URL=http://<your-plex-url>:32400
      - PLEX_TOKEN=<your-plex-token>
      - WRITE_MISSING_AS_CSV=Yes  # Use Yes/No to control CSV export
      - ADD_PLAYLIST_POSTER=Yes   # Use Yes/No to add playlist posters
      - ADD_PLAYLIST_DESCRIPTION=Yes  # Use Yes/No to add playlist descriptions
      - APPEND_INSTEAD_OF_SYNC=No  # Use Yes/No to control sync mode
      - SECONDS_TO_WAIT=84000  # Time in seconds between syncs
      - SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID=<your-spotify-client-id>
      - SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET=<your-spotify-client-secret>
      - SPOTIFY_USER_ID=<your-spotify-user-id>
      - DEEZER_USER_ID=<your-deezer-user-id>
      - DB_PATH=/data/plexist.db  # Path for SQLite database
      - CSV_PATH=/data  # Path for storing CSV files
      - ./plexist_data:/data  # Ensure volume matches the paths in environment variables
    restart: unless-stopped

Run the following commands to start the Plexist service:

docker-compose up -d

This command will start the Plexist service in detached mode.

After starting the service, check the logs to ensure everything is running correctly:

docker-compose logs -f

Look for confirmation messages that indicate successful connections to Plex, Spotify, and Deezer, as well as database and CSV operations.

3. Docker Run Setup
docker run -d \
  --name=plexist \
  --restart unless-stopped \
  -e PLEX_URL=                          # <your local plex url>
  -e PLEX_TOKEN=                        # <your plex token>
  -e WRITE_MISSING_AS_CSV=              # <1 or 0>, Default 0, 1 = writes missing tracks to a csv
  -e ADD_PLAYLIST_POSTER=               # <1 or 0>, Default 1, 1 = add poster for each playlist
  -e ADD_PLAYLIST_DESCRIPTION=          # <1 or 0>, Default 1, 1 = add description for each playlist
  -e APPEND_INSTEAD_OF_SYNC=            # <0 or 1>, Default 0, 1 = Sync tracks, 0 = Append only
  -e SECONDS_TO_WAIT=84000              # Seconds to wait between syncs
  -e SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID=                 # Your Spotify Client/App ID
  -e SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET=             # Your Spotify client secret
  -e SPOTIFY_USER_ID=                   # Spotify ID to sync (Sync's all playlist)
  -e DEEZER_USER_ID=                    # Deezer ID to sync (Sync's all playlist)
  -e DEEZER_PLAYLIST_ID=                # Individual playlist


  • Include http:// or https:// in the PLEX_URL
  • Remove comments (e.g. # Optional x) before running ``


  • Database Connection Error: Ensure the DB_PATH is correctly set and that the directory exists with proper permissions.
  • CSV Export Issues: Verify that CSV_PATH is writable and accessible.
  • API Connection Problems: Double-check API tokens and URLs for Plex, Spotify, and Deezer.


Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss your ideas.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull gyarbij/plexist