
By hammer098

Updated almost 5 years ago



GitLab Code Quality

pipeline statuscoverage report

GitLab tool for running Code Quality checks on provided source code. It is currently based on CodeClimate only, but this may change in the future.

How to use

  1. cd into the directory of the source code you want to scan

  2. Run the Docker image:

    docker run \
      --env SOURCE_CODE="$PWD" \
      --volume "$PWD":/code \
      --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
      registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/ci-cd/codequality:${VERSION:-latest} /code

    VERSION can be replaced with the latest available release matching your GitLab version. See Versioning for more details.

  3. The results will be stored in the gl-code-quality-report.json file in the application directory.

Why mounting the Docker socket?

Some tools require to be able to launch Docker containers to scan your application.

Environment variables

Code Quality can be configured with environment variables, here is a list:

SOURCE_CODEPath to the source code to scan
TIMEOUT_SECONDSCustom timeout for the codeclimate analyze command
CODECLIMATE_DEBUGSet to enable Code Climate debug mode
CODECLIMATE_DEVSet to enable --dev mode which lets you run engines not known to the CLI.
REPORT_STDOUTSet to print the report to STDOUT instead of generating the usual report file.

GitLab Code Quality comes with some default engines enabled and default configurations but we encourage you to customize them to your own needs. Please refer to CodeClimate documentation to learn more.

Versioning and release cycle

GitLab Code Quality versions follow the Code Climate versions used and is available as a Docker image.

For example, if the current version of Code Climate used is 0.85.5 and there are no other changes introduced yet to Code Quality, the image would be:

  • registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/ci-cd/codequality:0.85.5

If there are changes made but the Code Climate version is still 0.85.5, the image would then have the appended incremental version:

  • registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/ci-cd/codequality:0.85.5-gitlab.1

When we update to a newer version of Code Climate, we restart the version without the appended -gitlab.x. For example, if there is a version 0.99.1 released:

  • registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/ci-cd/codequality:0.99.1
Old Versioning Scheme

GitLab Code Quality used to follow the versioning of GitLab (MAJOR.MINOR versions only, like 12.4) with images tagged with MAJOR-MINOR-stable.

For those who are not able to migrate yet to the new versioning scheme, we released images for 12-5-stable, 12-6-stable, 12-7-stable, 12-8-stable, 12-9-stable, 12-10-stable that are copies of 12-4-stable. Please note that we will not backport future modifications to these old versions.

Please note that the Auto-DevOps feature automatically uses the correct version. If you have your own .gitlab-ci.yml in your project, please ensure you are up-to-date with the Auto-DevOps template.


If you want to help and extend the list of supported scanners, read the contribution guidelines.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull hammer098/codequality