
Verified Publisher

By HashiCorp, Inc.

Updated 2 months ago

Container for automating Terraform Cloud API runs and actions in CI environments.

Languages & Frameworks
Integration & Delivery


Supported Platforms

  • GitHub Actions
  • GitLab Pipelines


Usage depends on if the container is running on a local machine or in a CI environment such as GitHub Actions or GitLab Pipelines.

docker run -it \
  -e "TF_HOSTNAME" \
  -e "TF_API_TOKEN" \
  hashicorp/tfci:latest \
  tfci run show --help

If you desire to mock the container running in a GitHub Actions Runner environment, can do the following by passing environment variables to the container

docker run -it \
  -e "TF_HOSTNAME" \
  -e "TF_API_TOKEN" \
  -e "CI" \
  -e "GITHUB_SHA" \
  hashicorp/tfci:latest \
  tfci run show --help

Docker Pull Command

docker pull hashicorp/tfci