Docker image of fega mongo-server aka moser.
This is the docker image for the Mongo Server npm package that exposes a mongo database as an API.
module.exports= {
// Port, default 3000
port: 3000,
// REST api root, default "/"
root: "/",
// hostname
host: 'http://localhost:3000',
// mongodb url default: "mongodb://localhost:27088"
mongo: 'mongodb://user:password@ip:port',
// database name
// mongoDb client options
// http://mongodb.github.io/node-mongodb-native/3.1/api/MongoClient.html#.connect
mongoOptions: {
connectTimeoutMS: 10000,
authSource: 'admin',
authMechanism: 'SCRAM-SHA-1'
// enable cors using the cors module https://www.npmjs.com/package/cors
cors: {origin:true},
// enable gzip compression using the compression module https://www.npmjs.com/package/compression
compress: {},
// enable helmet module https://www.npmjs.com/package/helmet
helmet: {},
// static file server, by default is "public" in the execution dir
static: 'public',
// root path for static file serving, by default "/"
staticRoot: '/',
// // personalized middleware, executed before REST api
// middleware: [myFunction],
// Plugins, executed before REST api
// plugins are functions that receives 3 arguments and returns express middleware
// // (config: MoserConfig, db: MongodbInstance, Client: MongodbClient)=> ExpressMiddleware || ExpressMiddleware[]
// plugins: [myPluginFunction],
// default pagination limit
pagination: 10,
// set as true to enable trust proxy on express
trustProxy: false,
// // custom error handler
// errorHandler: (req.res,next,err)=>{/* custom error handler */},
// // shutdown function, to gracefully stop the server
// // notice that this function returns another function
// shutdown: (config, ExpressServer, mongodbClient)=>()=>{/*custom shutdown function here */}
// extra settings
// avoid $where queries (To Avoid noSQL attacks), is enabled by default
restrictWhereQuery: true
Assuming you are using a config.js like the above
docker container run --volume "$(pwd):/work" --rm moser --config /work/config.js
Coming soon
docker pull hayone/moser