Label Studio is a multi-type data labeling and annotation tool with standardized output format
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Label Studio is an open source data labeling tool. It lets you label data types like audio, text, images, videos, and time series with a simple and straightforward UI and export to various model formats. It can be used to prepare raw data or improve existing training data to get more accurate ML models.
Have a custom dataset? You can customize Label Studio to fit your needs. Read an introductory blog post to learn more.
Install Label Studio locally, or deploy it in a cloud instance. Also you can try Label Studio Teams.
Official Label Studio docker image is here and it can be downloaded with docker pull
Run Label Studio in a Docker container and access it at http://localhost:8080
docker pull heartexlabs/label-studio:latest
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -v `pwd`/mydata:/label-studio/data heartexlabs/label-studio:latest
You can find all the generated assets, including SQLite3 database storage label_studio.sqlite3
and uploaded files, in the ./mydata
Override default Docker install
You can override the default launch command by appending the new arguments:
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -v `pwd`/mydata:/label-studio/data heartexlabs/label-studio:latest label-studio --log-level DEBUG
Build a local image with Docker
If you want to build a local image, run:
docker build -t heartexlabs/label-studio:latest .
Docker Compose script provides production-ready stack consisting of the following components:
To start using the app from http://localhost
run this command:
docker-compose up
# Requires Python >=3.6 <=3.9
pip install label-studio
# Start the server at http://localhost:8080
conda create --name label-studio
conda activate label-studio
pip install label-studio
You can run the latest Label Studio version locally without installing the package with pip.
# Install all package dependencies
pip install -e .
# Run database migrations
python label_studio/manage.py migrate
# Start the server in development mode at http://localhost:8080
python label_studio/manage.py runserver
You can deploy Label Studio with one click in Heroku, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform:
Apply frontend changes
The frontend part of Label Studio app lies in the frontend/
folder and written in React JSX. In case you've made some changes there, the following commands should be run before building / starting the instance:
cd label_studio/frontend/
npm ci
npx webpack
cd ../..
python label_studio/manage.py collectstatic --no-input
If you see any errors during installation, try to rerun the installation
pip install --ignore-installed label-studio
Install dependencies on Windows
To run Label Studio on Windows, download and install the following wheel packages from Gohlke builds to ensure you're using the correct version of Python:
# Upgrade pip
pip install -U pip
# If you're running Win64 with Python 3.8, install the packages downloaded from Gohlke:
pip install lxml‑4.5.0‑cp38‑cp38‑win_amd64.whl
# Install label studio
pip install label-studio
Label Studio includes a variety of templates to help you label your data, or you can create your own using specifically designed configuration language. The most common templates and use cases for labeling include the following cases:
Connect your favorite machine learning model using the Label Studio Machine Learning SDK. Follow these steps:
This lets you:
You can use Label Studio as an independent part of your machine learning workflow or integrate the frontend or backend into your existing tools.
Project | Description |
label-studio | Server, distributed as a pip package |
label-studio-frontend | React and JavaScript frontend and can run standalone in a web browser or be embedded into your application. |
data-manager | React and JavaScript frontend for managing data. Includes the Label Studio Frontend. Relies on the label-studio server or a custom backend with the expected API methods. |
label-studio-converter | Encode labels in the format of your favorite machine learning library |
label-studio-transformers | Transformers library connected and configured for use with Label Studio |
Want to use The Coolest Feature X but Label Studio doesn't support it? Check out our public roadmap!
@misc{Label Studio,
title={{Label Studio}: Data labeling software},
note={Open source software available from https://github.com/heartexlabs/label-studio},
Maxim Tkachenko and
Mikhail Malyuk and
Nikita Shevchenko and
Andrey Holmanyuk and
Nikolai Liubimov},
This software is licensed under the Apache 2.0 LICENSE © Heartex. 2020-2021
docker pull heartexlabs/label-studio