Docker container for Pantavisor Linux running in a raspberry PI emulated device.
docker run --privileged -it --rm --name=pantavisor -v ${PWD}:/pv/ highercomve/pv-qemu-rpi3
We use the -v pointing to /pv to persist the pantavisor.img
if you don't set the volume after killing the container the image is going to start as new.
Map the port 22 and 8222 in order to enter your device via ssh, the port 22 is accessible with the user root/pantabox by default.
docker run --privileged -it --rm --name=pantavisor -v ${PWD}:/pv/ -p 2222:22 -p 8222:8222 highercomve/pv-qemu-rpi3
If you want to test the latest stable version you could download it by doing this:
docker run --privileged -it --rm --name=pantavisor -v ${PWD}:/pv/ highercomve/pv-qemu-rpi3 download-image
and after that is finished, you can run it again, remember the new image will not be claimed
docker run --privileged -it --rm --name=pantavisor -v ${PWD}:/pv/ highercomve/pv-qemu-rpi3
By default, the qemu machine is forwarding the default pantavisor ports for ssh and the pantavisor status app
You can extend those by using a env variable on docker as
docker run --privileged -it --rm --name=pantavisor -v ${PWD}:/pv/ -e NET0_EXTENSION=",hostfwd=tcp::12368-:12368,hostfwd=tcp::22-:22,hostfwd=tcp::8222-:8222,hostfwd=tcp::5000-:5000" highercomve/pv-qemu-rpi3
docker pull highercomve/pv-qemu-rpi3