
By hlfernandez

Updated almost 5 years ago

A minimal Docker image for the flac2mp3 script.



flac2mp3 Docker image

flac2mp3 is a perl script that will search for flac files within a directory hierarchy and convert them all to mp3 format, creating a matching directory structure in the process. The script is publicly available at GitHub.

This minimal Docker image (based on Alpine Linux) contains this script and the required dependencies to run it. To use it, simply run:

docker run --rm -v "/path/to/lossless:/path/to/lossless" -v "/path/to/lossy:/path/to/lossy" hlfernandez/flac2mp3 flac2mp3.pl /path/to/lossless /path/to/lossy

And if the source an target directories are under the same directory, it can be even simpler:

docker run --rm -v "/path/to/files:/path/to/files" -w "/path/to/files" hlfernandez/flac2mp3 flac2mp3.pl lossless lossy

Docker Pull Command

docker pull hlfernandez/flac2mp3