
By hyperledger

Updated 1 day ago

Hyperledger Iroha is an efficient and easy-to-use DLT framework written in Rust



The purpose of this repository is to store Hyperledger Iroha version 1.

Quick reference

Due to maintenance, fresh documentation builds are available on the temporary Read the Docs page. Generally, documentation is available on Read the Docs.

To get help, visit the official Iroha Telegram channel and the Iroha channel on the Hyperledger Discord

To file issues, visit the “reporting bugs” page.

Supported Architectures: amd64.

Supported OS: Linux.

Image description
latestthe last stable release, contains the stable version of Iroha 1
masteran image that contains the cutting-edge version of Iroha 1 built from the master branch
develop-buildan image that contains dependencies to build Iroha from the master branch
1.*.*See Iroha releases. An image that is built from the release tag.
Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links

Docker Pull Command

docker pull hyperledger/iroha