
By hyperledger

Updated 9 months ago

Hyperledger Iroha 2 is an efficient and easy-to-use DLT framework written in Rust



The purpose of this repository is to store Hyperledger Iroha version 2.

Quick reference

The documentation is available on a dedicated GitHub page.

To get help, visit the official Iroha Telegram channel and the Iroha channel on the Hyperledger Discord

To file issues, visit the “reporting bugs” page.

Supported Architectures: amd64.

Supported OS: Linux.

Image description
ltsAn image that contains the long-term support build of Iroha 2
client-cli-ltsA separate container for iroha_client_cli tool
kagami-ltsA separate container for the kagami tool
stableAn image that contains the cutting edge version of Iroha 2 built from the stable branch
client-cli-stableA separate container for the iroha_client_cli tool
kagami-stableA separate container for the kagami tool
devAn image that contains the unstable build from the dev branch
client-cli-devA separate container for the iroha_client_cli tool
kagami-devA separate container for the kagami tool
dev-nightlyAn image that contains the nightly unstable build from the dev branch
client-cli-dev-nightlyA separate container for the iroha_client_cli tool
kagami-dev-nightlyA separate container for the kagami tool
Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links

Docker Pull Command

docker pull hyperledger/iroha2